Chapter 42

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Chance felt a bit uneasy for the way he treated Austin. The kid was still fragile and unstable when it came to the loss of his relationship with Olena but coming to Nashville wasn't healthy for him, not yet, and he couldn't help but wonder if it ever would be. It was obvious the night before when she was over for dinner just how much he was still connected though she had definitely moved on.

"Maybe that's what he's jealous of" he said aloud as Tim handed him a glass of sweet tea before sitting on the sofa beside him.

"Jealous? Who, Austin? He said he's not jealous of us" Tim stated while scrolling through the channels.

"Olena" he replied before sipping the tea.

"Jealous? She's not in a relationship with anyone" Tim replied finding the movie he was looking for.

"No, not yet anyway, at least she hasn't mentioned anyone. But I think he's jealous of her, the fact she's gotten past him and moved on. We both know it hasn't been an easy year for her either. I don't mean to take sides but he fucked up royally" Chance stated.

"We said we weren't going to take sides, remember" Tim reminded him as he snuggled against him to get comfortable.

"I know, I know. It's just, ugh..I feel like I should have done something to spare her the hurt. That's what best friends do" Chance replied putting his arm around Tim drawing him closer.

"We can't shield them from everything, they have to learn and own up to their mistakes. Yeah, sometimes it hurts like hell, believe me I know that and so do you. But, we can't fix it or make it all go away. They have to work through you said the only one who can really help him is himself" Tim stated. "So despite the fact that we are both the type of person to want to make everything perfect for everyone, we just can't. My priority right now is you, us and our life together. Everything else is on the back burner"

"I like the way you think" Chance replied smiling and kissing the top of his head.

"So much for brothers" Austin remarked as he packed his bags to head back to Georgia. Thinking buying the new house would make things right was obviously the second biggest mistake of his life and coming to Nashville for help was definitely his third.

Throwing his bags into the truck he sped out the driveway. With the lack of desire to drive the six hour trip back to Tifton he decided to head into the center of Nashville, stay in an airbnb in The Gulch and try to erase his memories that haunted him.

"This..this is exactly what I need" he spoke aloud as he entered his rental. Once settled he showered and changed into his tightest skinny jeans, favorite tee shirt, boots and vest. Clean shaven and with short hair he was sure he could mingle relatively unnoticed in a crowded bar, the last thing he needed right now was a swarm of adoring fans.

Walking into The Station Inn he took a deep breath and immediately headed to the bar taking a seat at the end so he could see the stage as well as the entire room. The air filled with bluegrass music gave him a sense of home, comfort, acceptance. Throwing back several shots of whiskey soon put him in an extremely comfortable state and he began talking with a man that sat next to him.

"Say, aren't you one of those fellows from that group..oh what's their name...I know I've seen y'all before" the man stated.

"Home Free" Austin replied motioning for the bartender to bring them each another drink.

"Yeah, that's it...what ya doin here" he asked taking his drink.

Feeling no pain at this point from what he'd consumed so far Austin opened up to the stranger about everything that had happened and what lay ahead for the group as a whole in the weeks to come. The man sat next to him, smirking as he explained, making his job even easier.

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