B.B..3YL pt.1 ~ Rosie

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{Rosies POV}
Aunt Vee Vee woke me up (V)"cmon lets go annoy your mom and dad" (R)"Its Beryl" (C)"Hiya Rosie" (V)"its so cute how she calls you Beryl" (C)"I know right" (R)"where mommy?" (V)"cmon I'll bring you to her" Vee Vee picked me up and brought me to mama and dadas room. (V)"I bring you ba-" she covered my eyes and took me to the hallway again (V)"I think we should give them a minute there still asleep" (R)"Vee Vee" I squished her face in my hands. Her face looks funny squished. Dada left his Bedroom and Picked me up. (J)"Hello Rosie-Bear" he gave me a kissy on the forehead (J)"Veronica knock next time" (V)"yeah ok" mama walked out of the room (B)"hey Veronica hello Cheryl how are you" (C)"im good" (B)"Hi Rosie, did aunt Vee get you up" (R)"Aunt Vee Vee" mama put her arms out and gave me a huggy. (B)"Veronica can I teach you to knock" (V)"I dont expect you two to be doing things at 9am" (R)"puwple" I pointed at mamas top. I like purple its pretty (B)"it is purple isnt it what colour is dada's top" she pointed at dadas top (R)"Gween like Gwass" (V)"did she say like glass" (B)"no like grass shes strugling with her r's at the moment" mama brought me to the kitchen.

She let me sit on a big girl chair. (B)"Juggie can you make sure she doesnt climb onto the table again" (J)"Yeah sure" dada didnt let me on the table..

{Jugheads POV}

Rosie was moving around and trying to climb onto the table until betts brought over her yogurt and Juice. (B)"I got Breakfast" (J)"imma make eggs do you want one Betts" (B)"sure, can you make one for Rosie cause she'll want what we have" (J)"yeah ok" I made fried eggs and made sure to cook the yolk enough cause Rosie doesnt like it when it goes everywhere.I walked in with the eggs as soon as Rosie finished her yogurt. Mom walked in (J)"hey mom" (H)"oh hey Guys. Hello Rosie" (R)"Hi nanny" Rosie reached for the eggs so I gave her one and Betty cut it up and gave her a fork. (J)"here betts" (B)"thanks" I gave her an egg and sat down (H)"does she want to come to the library with me today" (B)"that would be amazing since we were gonna let her stay with Veronica today when Jug went looking at places and I have my classes" (H)"good cause Im reading to little kids there and I already promised some people Rosie was coming" (J)"you wanna go with nanny today Rosie" (R)"yes please" she ate most of her egg and Betty ate the rest (B)"all give her a bath and get her dressed"

{Bettys POV}

I ran a bath for Rosie and she grabbed her rubber ducks. I put her in and Washed her hair (B)"whats your duckies name" (R)"I dunno" she laughed and I finished washing her up then lifted her out in her towel. (B)"Wanna dry your hair now" (R)"yes" I took her to The room and put her on the stool by the vanity. I grabbed my hairdryer and dried it on the middle heat. She took it off me (R)"dry mamas hair now" (B)"mamas hair is dry" I turned it off and brushed her hair. (B)"do you wanna pick out a pretty top to wear" I grabbed some gray Leggings and she picked out a top with a pink polka dot top with frilly sleeves. (B)"oooh pretty" (R)"Pwincess" (B)"your my princess" I helped her get dressed and she went Potty. (B)"do you want to pick out a sticker" (R)"yes please" I took out her sticker book and she picked out a sparkly smiley face. I put it on her top and Hermione started doing her hair.

Her hair has grown so much recently so I usually leave it down but sometimes I'll tie it up in pigtails for fun. I tied it up and put a hairband on her (B)"you ready to go reading with nanna" (R)"Im weady" She smiled and I gave her to Hermione along with her bag which had a change of pants and underwear just in case and a snack.

(B)"can you bring her to my moms after cause we're thinking of staying there tonight" (H)"yeah sure" (J)"we are" (B)"my moms house is on the same road as the one you're looking at" Veronica walked in (V)"how are you gonna afford the house anyway"
(B)"well I have all the money I saved from before Rosie was born then with my classes im gonna be working properly in a few months, Jug has the money from his articles and then a bit from me working part time at the garage so it adds up to enough to just about afford the downpayment and like a years of morgage payments and of course have money for food" (V)"Betty why dont you just stay" (B)"Veronica I dont want to raise Rosie betweentwo homes" (J)"plus when you're here you'd distract Betts" (B)"she doesnt distract me" (J)"really cause you've spent 5 minutes talking and we were supposed to leave two minutes ago" (B)"oh no um bye guys" Jug and I left to get to the house.

We got the tour and realised it was perfect it was a three Bedroom which meant we could have space for guests and it had three bathrooms. A shared bathroom between two of the rooms a ensuite in the master bedroom and a downstairs bathroom for guests. (J)"I think its perfect Betts" (B)"I guess we're buying a house" he kissed me and we went and signed the paperwork right away. We went to mums house and I had to get online for my class so I stole her office.

To be continued...

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