Arc 2: Cai FengRui (10)

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^^^Gonna put hot pics of Yibo & Zhan sometimes cuz why not I love them lots support them pls❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰

For the whole afternoon until the sun sets and the moon rises, Cai HuaXi continuously chattered on about random things, such as how FengRui acted as a child, though it was really entertaining to hear what his husband did.

They ate dinner together for the first time as a family, and it brought a huge amount of joy to Meng Xu. His parents died early so he had forgotten about parental love, but being here with the Cai couple, along with FengRui and DuoXing was a really heartwarming event for him.

He recalled the original's past of being casted aside by his own parents because he was omega. The original's feelings somehow affected Meng Xu's own emotions, and his eyes started to water, thus lowering his head.

FengRui was about to put some of the meat onto his wife's bowl when he saw him crying. He panicked and pulled Meng Xu into a tight hug. This action also notified the Cai couple, who became worried as well.

"Ah Xu, what's wrong?" Fengrui tried to coax him, but it didn't help in the slightest.

"I..I..just remembered some unpleasant things about my parents..."

After mentioning the word parents, he cried even harder, barely hiding his tears and emotions in front of FengRui and his parents.

"Oh, dear! Xiao Xu, don't think about them. The isolated you and threw you away, but because they did that, you met Xiao Feng. This is fate. We wouldn't have a happy family gathering without you here and DuoXing. Don't forget that we are your family now."

HuaXi took Meng Xu's hand and gently patted it to calm down. BaiLiu, who was quiet for most of the day, also spoke som reassuring words:

"Xiao Xu, your mom is right. You have us. Seeing how you suffered so much, I will help you handle the situation between you and the Mengs."

"En. I will also help you, Xiao Xu. I'm sure that Xiao Feng will definitely support you with all his heart."

Hearing all these kind words, Meng Xu stopped crying and looked at them with his crystal eyes.

"Thank you for your support. I really appreciate the love and kindness you've all shown towards me. It makes me so, so happy."

Now that his wife stopped crying, FengRui moved his hand up and used his thumb to wipe away the remaining tears in Meng Xu's eyes. Meng Xu felt his thumb wiping his tears away and turned his face towards FengRui and smiled lovingly at him. This sent many arrows through FengRui's heart as well the the Cai couple who were watching from the sidelines.

Ah, who knew that their son would be spoiling someone like this. It truly was a once in a lifetime experience to witness their son being loving and caring towards an omega. In the past, they saw how much FengRui despised the idea of going near an omega and hated them for no reason. He thought they were really weak and had to rely on others to take care of them. The old couple attempted many times to marry and omega to him to get rid of the hate, but he refused them all. However, it all took a 180 turn after meeting Meng Xu.

The couple was very grateful for what Meng Xu has done to change the life of their son and they also held a huge amount of affection for him as well.

In this world, no one else can compare to Meng Xu, and he was the perfect match for FengRui. There was no denial. They were a match made in heaven.

"Ah Xu, are you okay now?" FengRui asked in a worried tone.

"Mn. I'm feel better now. It's just I don't have the appetite to eat anymore."

"Sweetie, do you want to go upstairs and rest? We understand the situation that you're in. We promise that we will help you handle everything." HuaXi smiled at Meng Xu, expressing her willingness to help him in every way.

"Then...I will excuse myself. Ah Feng, accompany me. DuoXing can stay with his grandparents tonight."

"Alright. Let's go."

The two excused themselves from the table and made their way upstairs to one of the rooms. FengRui led Meng Xu to the bed and sat down with him, locking the omega in his arms in another hug.

"You've suffered enough, Ah Xu."

"I really am tired of their antics, Ah Feng."

"I know. Go to sleep. You need to rest for today. My mother has pestered you too much."

"Hm. But she's not at all annoying. Your mom's really fun to hand around with. The stories she told me of you is so funny. Hahaha~"

" dare she tell you such embarrassing moments......."

"You must have been very cute back then."

"I'm not cute. You are."

"Hai, hai. You're not cute...cutey."

"That should be what I'm calling you."

"It doesn't matter. We have each other. Forever right?"

"Mn. Forever."

"I can rest peacefully now knowing how much you really love me. Your affection for me is really over the top."

"I will always and only love you. Don't worry about other trivial matters, including your sister's attempt to flirt with me. How unsightly."

"I know she'll never obtain your heart now that I'm here."

"Of course, you are my world. Ah Xing is my world. Without the two of you, my life would never be complete."

"Such sweet words coming from a stoic person."

"Just for you."

"Mn. Let's go to sleep now."

"Okay. Good night, Ah Xu."

"You too, Ah Feng."

They turned off the lights and pulled the blanket to cover the both of them. Meng Xu laid secured in FengRui's arms, and cuddled with each other. They put all matter aside and enjoyed the moment sleeping with another.

A/N: tooth-rotting moments and sad moments for Meng Xu ('ρ'). lets go & kick Meng Xie's butt \\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////

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