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▬▬▬▬▬⠀( romance in the air )

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▬▬▬▬▬⠀( romance in the air )


fun fact #24 ; kourin wants to travel
the world one day preferably with






With Chisa and Adan, on the weekends, Kourin had a routine and she'd grown accustomed to it too. She'd be the last to wake up, head to the bathroom before making her way downstairs for a late breakfast but an early lunch whilst the couple sat on the couch watching the news. Today was slightly different. Chisa was in the kitchen whilst Adan sat on the dining table, with the news playing loudly.

Her heterochromatic hues landed the TV and her eyes widened at the sight, it was the prison that held Kinto and Ami announcing they'd been burnt down to ashes whilst the rest of the prisoners and the building remained intact. It flashed to their joint cell that held scorch marks and she blinked at the sight, "wow."

Adan scrunched up his nose as he took a sip of his coffee. "I'd say that they didn't deserve it, but honestly, if I'm going to honest.. what they did to you was horrible.. it was worthy of death." When his wife hit him, a groan escaped his lips. "I'm telling her the truth! The truth hurts but it's always better than a well meant lie."

"True that," the brunette raised her empty cup, grinning over at him.

"Still, I don't want to wish anyone death, even if they did deserve it." Chisa grumbled, pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"It is strange though," Kourin placed a piece of bacon in her mouth and chewed before speaking again, "why, would the person that killed them leave everyone unharmed? Only they died. No one else."

"Don't worry your little head about it, squirt." Adan reached over the table and ruffled her hair, causing the young teen to slap his hand away.


you have 2 new messages !

ik i saw you yesterday
buuut i miss u ;(( a lot

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