daugther reader- you finally show your powers

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You are walking home one afternoon from school, you are listening to music when you see people running past you. You soo turn off your music and see doomsday destroying things and, toss things in the air. 

y/n" oh shot" you started running away trying to get somewhere safe when you are grabbed back violently. You soon see doomsday holding you and every time you move, his grip on you gets tighter. 

y/n" let me go your overgrown alien" 

Doomsday" no I want superman and the super boys" you soon start to feel like you are being crushed in his hands and you scream loudly. 

y/n"ahhh let me go" doomsday soon drops you the floor hard and fast and when you think, it over it has justed started. He soon grabs you by your hands and starts crushing them, you soon start to feel a lot of pain rushing threw your body. 

Doomsday" where is superman" you soon see helicopters flying over you and doomsday some of, them are police and news. soon police cars show up and you see TVs showing what is happing to you. 

Chief " let the girl go now" doomsday soon kicks cars that the cops and swat making everyone run. Doomsday soon toss you the groud once again making you scream in pain and split out some blood. 

y/n" just let me go" doomsday soon picks you up once again and it seems this time he is going to kill you. 

???"let her go right now" you soon see your father punched doomsday making him drop you, to the floor again. 

Conner" sis" 


Johnnathan" is she okay" 

conner" I don't know she won't say anything" 

y/n" look out behind you" the guys turn around to see doomsday looking over that them before they could do anything, he hits them hard-throwing them into a nearby building. 

y/n" leave them alone" soon your father comes back and hits doomsday hard and you soon feel, some pick you up and you see it, Damien. 

Damien" hey we are going to get you somewhere safe" 

y/n"...." you soon blackout from all the pain in your body. 

Hours later 

you soon wake up and see you are in a hospital but you look at the tv and see the fights still, going on and you see your family in danger. that when you came up with the idea to help them so you find some clothing might for you and you soon get changed into them. Making the best costume you can and you soon ran out of the hospital, that when you soon notice you are flying.

y/n" hey doomsday I have to bone to pick with you" you are flying over doomsday and your family. soon news cameras are on you and everyone is pointing at you wondering who you are. Doomsday toss a car that you and you stop it and toss it, back at him and start throwing punches at him. 

Y/n"leave my family alone" Doomsday soon toss you into the air but you soon stop. 

Conner" nice save their baby sis" 

y/n" thanks" 

Superman" Now let's finish him off" 

y/n" sure" all of you work together as a family to stop doomsday and he is soon knocked out cold, soon enough green lantern comes and collects him. 

Batman" good job dear" 


new reports " excuse me but who are you kid" 

y/n" I'm......" 

Superman" she is Impossible Girl" 

y/n" yeah that me Impossible Girl nice to meet you" soon news reports gather around trying to get you to answer any questions.

Conner " sorry people we have to get going we have to get Impossible Girl ready for super life" you soon flew away with your family, and soon enough you get home where you are bandage up by Alfred while your father checks see you baldy hurt. 

Johnathan" it seems like now you are in the family business of superhero work" 

y/n" I like that" 

Batman " I'm happy you are okay dear and you did show doomsday who is boss" 

y/n" thanks" 

superman" wait to go Impossible Girl" 

y/n" thanks dad" 

Drake"now we just have to see what else you can do" 

Tim "along with getting her a good super suit" 

Batman" sure let's see what we can come up with" after a while you soo get a super-suit which is a short sleeve shirt in red,  with a short white skirt. The dress also changes color the second color is a purple short sleeve shirt and a black shirt. The super-suit has long socks and boots as well. 

Y/n" I love it" 

Bruce" that great to hear and now you can work day and night" 

y/n" yes...oww" 

Clark" before we celebrate even more maybe we should wait for you to heal halfway" 

y/n" sure" 

Dick" come on let's get you upstairs and on the couch" 

y/n" sure" you soon walk up the stairs with your brother helping, you up the steps. 

Clark" I think [mother name] will be happy with her" 

Bruce" she would she said she could see y/n will become great someday" 

Clark" I just wish she would be here to see this" 

Bruce" me as well Clark" your father soon join you and your brothers in the living room. 

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