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Author's note: What's up guys? So again, sorta short chapter but I've been really busy so I'm doing my best. I hope you like it anyway.


Clementineboss gets this chapter because they are a new poster to Wattpad (they posted a story) (you should check it out) (it's awesome) And they votes and comment and have a HTTYD thing as their profile and that's pretty snazzy, as declared by me. 

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter, I love you all for voting/commenting and SERIOUSLY if you want a dedication TELL ME I WILL NOT GET OFFENDED in fact I feel bad because I know I'm forgetting people and it's awful but I'm not a very organized person. So yell at me and if I can't fit you all I'll start filling up the previous chapters because I really want you to know you're all appreciated so much!


I have to find Izila and the clone. Something about that “experiment” does not sound good to me. Then I’ve got some chaos to unleash. Chaos that may or may not involve gas tanks and fire.

Sure, it’s a rather stupid plan, but as long as it’s effective, it doesn’t matter.

When I run into a guard, I come thisclose to panicking and side-kicking him. Instead, I breathe and snap, “What are you doing?”

    “Ch-checking on the water e-element girl.” The guard stammers nervously.

    “Yeah, well I’ve done that already, you don’t need to waste more time.” I roll my eyes. “Has Izila moved?”

    “N-no, she’s still in the testing room.”

    “Fine.” I storm past him haughtily. “Go make sure we’re on the right course.”

As soon as his footsteps fade, I start running down the hallways, looking for a sign that says “testing room.” As soon as I find it I sprint to the corner and tip toe along the hallway leading into the room. I can just barely make out voices.

    "-can! I don't need to practice!" The Tide clone gripes.

    "It's not practice," Izila replies icily. "It's that I have my doubts about your abilities."

The clone doesn't respond. I inch forward. If I can just get a look, maybe I'll understand what's going on. I hold my breath and peer around the corner.

And lock eyes with Coal.

We both freeze. He's on the other side of the room, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. I duck back behind the wall, swearing under my breath and waiting for Izila's cold smile to greet me.

But nothing happens.

I count to ten and then look around the corner again.

This time his jaw is set, eyes wide in a panic I don't understand. His gaze flicks to Izila and then back to me, and he shakes his head almost imperceptibly.

I wrinkle my nose, insides rolling with the sight of him.

He raises his hand and waves me off, furiously mouthing what I think is "go away" but that doesn't make sense.

    "What?" The clone snaps, and I duck behind the wall, ready to start running.

    "Nothing." Coal says to my surprise. "Except for the fact that you need to stop whining."

    "Whining?" The clone snarls in disbelief. "I'll show you whining-"

    "23!" Izila growls harshly, and the clone begins to argue with her.

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