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The next morning, Noah came down the stairs, knocking his staff on the ground next to the rug Ariel and Lexi were sleeping peacefully on. 

"Wake up, guys.", he said in an almost bored tone. Ariel snored as Lexi shot up, used to waking up much earlier than this. She looked at Noah, grumbling a "morning" to him. Noah nodded, knocking his staff on the floor again, making a louder knock this time. Ariel's eyes opened slowly as she reached up to her face to wipe off the drool from her sleep. 

"What time is it...?", she asked, glancing over at the window. Noah shrugged.

"About seven, why?", he walked away, heading to the kitchen table, which was already set with plates with food on them and silverware next to them. Ariel sat up, scratching the back of her head. 

"Why're we up so early...?", Ariel asked.

"I could ask the same... I'm outta' school, might as well sleep in while I can...", Lexi complained as she walked over to Z, standing next to her as the girl chopped some meat quietly. Noah sighed. 

"I thought about it last night, and... I thought- we've had enough of Nobody's bull crap, haven't we? They've been treating our land and it's people wrongly for years now, so I think it's time we take a stand.", Noah looked down at the ground, mumbling "And I also feel bad about your missing cousin and thought 'why not?' ...", he pursed his lips, looking at Ariel. Ariel smiled in delight and excitement, squealing. 

"Really?! Oh my God! Thanks, Noah!", Ariel got up from her spot on the rug, running over to Noah and hugging him like he was some brother she hadn't seen in a decade. 

"Yeah, yeah, you're welcome. We'll have to get my friend, Moya, to help us though... you'll like her she's a lot like you.", Noah said as a grunt came from Z. Z rarely made any noise at all, so it caught Lexi and Ariel's attention, though Noah could tell what was wrong. Z was his sister after all. "I know you don't like her, but she can help. She knows her way around here better than we ever would. Even with a map, Z.", Noah put a hand on Z's shoulder as Z pouted at him. 

"What's wrong with Mocha?", Lexi asked.

"It's Moya. And- her and Z don't exactly get along.", Noah went to go sit down at the table, Ariel sitting in an empty seat across from him. Z sits next to Noah as Lexi sits across from her and they all began eating. 


They finish their meals, Z cleaning off everyone's plates and leaving them out to dry. Ariel brushes her hair out with her fingers, already heading to the door.

"Let's go!", Ariel puts her hand on the knob but Noah stops her, putting his hand over hers. 

"We haven't even packed anything, are you really that excited?", Noah smiled, shaking his head. Ariel sighed, letting go of the knob and stepping back. 

"I guess so."

Part 2 later cause I'm not in the writing mood. 

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