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Note: [Text] = Thoughts-one-has | [Text]= Thoughts-one-has-but-doesn't-want-to-acknowledge-it

Warnings: the usual depressive and suicidal thoughts, angst (because we can't live without it), bouts of misplaced and rightful anger and miscommunication. If any of these triggers you, please don't read.

Soon enough, the disciples at Gusu Lan realized that the Jiang matriarch and patriarch did not seem to be happy, for a lack of better word, with Lan Qiren. Every other Lan was glared at poisonously, with the exception of Lan Xichen. [Why Sect Leader Jiang and his wife had taken to glare at Lan Wangji was confusing. Wei Ying was annoying the poor Lan so of course he'd be ignored!]

However, because Wei MingYu showed no indication of even interfering, everyone ignored it as well. If the oldest child of the Jiangs did nothing, then who were they to say anything in their matters? [Was this common enough that he was immune to it? But it had just been 3/4 of a year! Was it really possible for their bonds to have strengthened that quickly??]

"So let me clarify, not only can you control the Waterborne Abyss' movements, but also completely get rid of it?"

Lan Xichen wondered how this had become his life. He should not be thinking of asking a demonic cultivator to solve a Lan's problems!

The eerie giggle the twin ghosts let out [come to think of it, why didn't they speak?] seemed to reflect his inner turmoil. Surprisingly, after his breakdown (or rather after MingYu decided to help him), the ghosts had begun showing themselves to everyone.

Needless to say, the panic that had created was off the charts. As it is, Lan Xichen almost wished the ghosts hid themselves. He didn't know which was better: things disappearing without knowing why, or seeing things disappearing by apparitions that should not be here. No-one liked being shown where they lacked, and their barrier definitely lacked in some areas. [It stung to know of his clan's hypocrisy-- no, one step at a time.]

At the same time, the trinkets that had disappeared, reappeared literally right under their noses. [Huh, who knew the ghosts could actually touch things. As it is, their trinkets were found hidden behind a convenient corner of the Ancestor Hall and how had they missed that?!]

Well then.

The disciples are now playing treasure hunt with the ghosts... so progress?

At least Lan Xichen didn't get complaints of who was the culprit behind disappearing objects. [He would deny the amusement he felt when he realized that while he could see the ghosts, some disciples still couldn't. That made for a very interesting situation, in which he struggled to not laugh, when objects floated in front of them. He almost forgave the ghosts for trying to overwork him. Almost.]

Regardless, the ghosts were now a permanent fixture to their lives. And he dared to say it, he even enjoyed it. [Once again, just how was this his life?!]


And, MingYu seemed to not even realize what he was demonstrating. Had he not been given the opportunity to get to know him (which at first had just been to observe him), Lan Xichen would have been hard-pressed to believe the other wanted to stay within the shadows.

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