Popular=Perfect. NOT! {3}

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Roman's Pov

I wake up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. That can only mean one thing the
first day back to school. I climb out of bed and walk across the cold hardwood floors to the bathroom. I do my topical morning routine. I finish by heading to my closet to find an outfit to wear today. I eventually decided on a simple red shirt with a gold crown on the side, a jean jacket with al sorts of pins from different musicals, a pair of dark wash jeans, and my favorite high top shoes. I walk down stairs taking them two at a time. At the bottom I'm greeted by my fur baby Toby my chocolate lab. He's three years old and is my baby. The two of us walk over to the breakfast counter where my moms serving up pancakes and bacon for herself, my dad and I. I sneak a piece of bacon and give it to Toby. My mom gives me a playful glare and sits down calling my dad down to eat. I sadly look over at the empty seat at the end of the bar. Mom sees this a takes my hand and rubs her thumb over it to comfort me. The seat was once filled by my older brother Remus. But sadly he and the other members of my family got in to a fight a couple year's ago and we never really made  amends. He now lives in the city running around with his "boyfriend". And no that's not what they fought over they were fine with that part. I snap out of my thoughts when dad takes his seat beside me. We all start eating quickly as to keep me from being late to school. I hear a knock at the door. I know exactly who it is my closest friend Remy. I open the door and let him in I see the star bucks in his hand a chuckle . You really can't function without coffee can you? He replies with a nope to prove the point further he popped the p. I just playfully shake my head and go back to the kitchen. I see mom serving up another plate and sits it at the open seat. Remy tried to refuse but my mother wouldn't take no for an answer. The two of us ate the rest of our food quicker then before due to the fact we only had 20 minutes to eat and get to school. We say our goodbyes and grab our bags and head out the door and to my car. We throw our stuff in the backseat. And start our drive to school. Remy turns up the radio to only find that I have Hamilton on via Bluetooth. He groans but doesn't turn it off. As much as he will deny it he really has a soft spot for theater productions. When I pull into the parking lot I can see the cascade of students getting ready for the new year. Remy try's to convince me to go and torment the freshman. He soon loses interest when he sees a certain junior named Emile. The two of them are friends and have liked each other for a while now. Somehow their both to blind to see how they feel about each other. We're about to go talk to them until we are pulled into a crowd of our peers. Somehow Remy and I got roped into the popular crowd. Neither of really ever wanted this. It's actually really annoying and bad. Most people have his thought and image that Popular=Perfect which is far from true. I look back one more time to catch a glimpse of Emile and Patton having a conversation with someone sitting who I didn't get to see. I ended up just pretending being interested in what ever was being talked about. It's just odd today just feels off. And I can't shake a feeling of being watched. It shouldn't bother me in a group a eight or nine people not counting Remy and I. That's when I see it from across the way. The girl that moved here last year. It was really weird her moving here my class hadn't had someone move to our grade since seventh grade. Thats when I hear a voice that I wished would just go mute. Cassie. This girl has been obsessed with me and instant that she is the perfect girl for me. The problem. I really have never felt any attraction towards girls. Yet I have seen guys and thought they were handsome and cute. That's what always confused I know I'm not gay so why would I feel that way. My thoughts are shattered by the ringing of the school bell I part ways with Remy and head to my locker. I accidentally bumped into someone while I was walking and not paying attention. I see its the Raylen girl. She is gathering her stuff she dropped. I help her the both of a muttering apologies. I hand her a notebook with familiar pictures on the front. The notebook was a collage of different musicals and marching bands. I hand it to her quickly. And right before she rushed off she handed me something. It's a folded piece of paper with the words One more year till freedom on the front. I wanted to read it but just as I was the warning bell rang and I knew if I did I would be late for class.

Remy's pov

I'm strutting down the hall towards my locker in the opposite direction of Roman. My lockers beside Virgil. I contemplate making conversation but he walks away just as I thought of a topic. I really miss being friends with him. He's a really cool guy just really really guarded. It's a shame and I sometimes blame myself. What if I had stayed with him? and helped him make more friends? Would he have more friends and not be so depressed? Uggh I can't be thinking like that. I have to get to class I really can't fail or drop out that's a promise I made to myself. Im really not the biggest fan of school but I haven't failed a class since freshman year. All I could do was try to not think about him. And luckily the answer to that problem is solved by an other one. But this one isn't nearly as bad because it's name Emile. I part my arm on the shorter boy as a way to get his attention. This is a way that always annoys him. I asked what he had first class which just so happened to be Physics the same class as me. So we end up walking down the hall to each other. We hear some snickers as we walk. Even though neither of us acknowledge this fact we know it's about us. Due to the fact of Emile wearing a skirt and me wearing heels. This was normal he often brings skirts to change into at school. And me I have preferred heels for a while. I hear Emiles name being called from behind. We turn to see Raylen coming towards us. Emile's one of the few people that got through to the transfer. We wait up to let her catch up. When she dose all she dose is hand us folded pieces of paper with the words One year closer to freedom. Then she disappeared. Befor she left us though she told us not to read them yet that we had to wait. We look at each other and I could tell we were thinking the same thing this is going to be one weird school year.

Hey people reading this! I know this isn't the best story I'm just trying to build the atmosphere and lore right now. I promise soon enough we will get in to the shipping soon I promise. Until next time this is riley signing off bye!

Sides of the spectrum: a Sander Sides High school AuWhere stories live. Discover now