Part Thirteen♡

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Alan's P.O.V.

What would make him do this?

My mind raced with this question over and over. The last time he did this was when he found out Gielle cheated on him. He was heart broken for what seemed like forever. It must be in his love life this time. He brushes almost everything else off. Im worried though. He should've been back.

Lyric and I have been walking for maybe about an hour, since we dropped off Phil. He was banged up. His stomach was awful. I really really hope none of the other guys got into any trouble.

"ALAN!! ALAN!" Lyric screamed. I jumped and she grabbed my hand. She was leading me somewhere, running to get there. Did she find Austin? OH MY GOD DID SHE FIND AUSTIN?


There, laying on on a bench, was Tino. Aaron was laying laying on top of him, sleeping.

Lyric looked at me. "On 3," she whispered. She let go of my hand, and started. "1..2..3!"

"WAKE UP!" We both yelled.

Sucks for Aaron though, apparently we scared him out of his sleep and he fell on the sidewalk. Oh Aaron. After he fell, Tino sat up.

I helped Aaron up and we all sat on the bench.

"Where's Austin guys?" I asked.

They sighed, and Tino said, "We caught up to him last night. He wasn't doing too well. He said to just leave him alone, he needs time to calm down and rest. We made him promise to come back, and he did. But, he's still not back yet is he?"

"No," Lyric whispered, looking down. It didn't even seem she was there. Her mind was somewhere else. Somewhere better.

"So why were you guys sleeping together?" I joked.

"Ha-ha," Aaron started, rolling his eyes. "After we caught up to Austin and he said he needs to be alone, it was really late and we were both really tired." He looked at Tino. "I don't really remember laying on top of him though.."

We all laughed. Except for Lyric.

"Guys," I said. "Austin might even be back on the bus by now. We have a show in four days. He wouldn't bail. We're all tired, let's just go back to the bus. Get something to eat, and sleep. Alone." I winked.

There was various okays, and we all got up.

"Actually.." Lyric started. "Ill stay outside for awhile. I know the way back to the bus, and I need to lose a few pounds anyway." She looked at all of us. Aaron and Tino nodded and I walked up to her. I took her hands, looked her in the eyes, and made her promise she'd be back. Like Austin. She said yes, and have me a hug. "Im okay." She whispered.

I nodded and let her be.

The three of us walked to the bus in silence.

Lyric's P.O.V

After they were out of sight, and ear shot, I started crying. I got on my knees, put my face in my hands and started to cry harder.

"Why?" I hoarsely whispered. "Why Austin? Why won't you just come back? I love you.. I miss you already. I can't lose you. Please."

"I love you too Lyric."

I jumped to my feet to see Austin standing there, tears steaming down his face.

"I'm so sorry," he choked out.

We both ran to each other in a hug.

"No.. I'm sorry. I know somehow this was my fault.."

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