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Jax's POV

The seven of us sat in silence. The only sound that could be heard was chewing but the air was still tense.

Kellan and Callum were the only ones who weren't glaring at someone else while also trying to focus on their food and ignoring someone else's glare.

I was about to just get up and leave when Callum opened his mouth to try and ease the tense that floated all around us.

"I'm Callum, what are your names?" He asked Kellan, much to my relief. Had he asked anyone else I'm sure something would have happened and it wouldn't be good.

"Kellan. This is my boyfriend Kyle," he said as he squeezed his boyfriend's shoulder as if saying 'be nice or you're in trouble', "And that's Boyd."

"Well this is Ryder and Liam. We're Jax's roommates."

"Yea, he told us," Kyle said rudely, to which he got an elbow to the ribs from me.

"Either way, it's nice to meet some of Jax's friends."

"His only friends," Boyd teased with a smirk causing me to glare at him but it did nothing to him.

"As if you have oh so many friends back home," I point out.

"You literally have three friends and you don't even like us that much. I think everyone has more friends than you," Kyle mumbled.

I playfully glare at him as I spit out a quick 'fuck you' as I shoved his shoulder, causing him and Kellan to laugh slightly.

When the laughter died down the tension seemed to come back. It was like Callum and the others didn't remember how to get along with anyone other than themselves.

They also seemed to be uncomfortable with the fact that my group wasn't 'reformed' yet. As if they forgot they were in the same position when they first got here.

"We have class soon," Liam said as he stood up and grabbed his tray. "You guys should probably go find your mates so they can show you the your schedule."

"We should still have a few minutes." Boyd all but growled for some reason as a scowl rested on his face.

"Well you don't want to be late," Ryder pointed out with a friendly smile to which Kyle only deepened his scowl.

Sensing a fight ready to break out at any moment I open my mouth before Kyle could beat me to it.

"They've been here way longer and have been through all of this before. Just listen to them so you don't get your ass shipped out of camp." I said as I stood up quickly and began walking to the door.

As I began walking I heard Kyle mumble something about would it be that bad if he was shipped off but I didn't bother saying anything to him. I could tell he was just bluffing. Sure he and Kellan could provide for himself but that didn't mean it would be ideal or legal.

They would probably go running back to the fights the second they got far enough away from here.

I leaned against the very dirty wall of the cafeteria when I got outside as I waited for my cabin mates to come join me to tell me where I was supposed to go for classes.

When they finally came back out Ryder immediately began to unfold a piece of paper that had been stuffed in his back pocket.

"Classes are designed to have at least one of your cabin mates with you at all times just to be sure you don't get lost or are stuck with people you don't know," he explained making me nod, honestly just wishing he would just hurry up.

"First is English with Callum, then Math with me, P.E. and lunch with all of us, then Science with me Callum again, then American History with Liam. After that your last thing for the day is a therapy session-"

"Hold the fuck up," I say quickly, cutting Ryder's sentence short. "What do you mean by therapy session," I all but yell.

"It's a requirement," Callum said with a frown making me scowl. "Something about having to resolve the inner problems before you can leave." I said nothing out loud but in my head I was saying every curse word I knew to who ever made that fucking rule.

It didn't matter though. This camp had to have a few hundred kids in it. I'm sure they wouldn't notice one kind out of the hundreds here missing.

"Whatever." I mumbled out with a scowl.

"We should probably get going so they don't think you're trying to skip on your first day," Callum said as he looked at the watch on his wrist, his frown still on his face. To be honest, the frown didn't suit him the way it did on Kyle or even myself.

I follow Callum wordlessly as he headed to whatever class we had together. To be completely honest I was spacing out a bit when Ryder was telling me my schedule but I'm sure I could figure it out.

"You better be good at school," I mutter to Callum when we enter a cabin that looked far too much like an actual school.

"And why is that?" Callum chuckled even though I had a feeling he knew exactly why.

"Because I'm not and I need to get through this class."

"I'll help you the best I can but you'd have a lot better luck if asked Liam for help. He's a lot better at this than Ryder and I are."

Of course the one person who hated me the most was going to be the most helpful.

I think I groaned out loud because Callum gave me a look that was in between a frown and an understanding smile.

"Liam doesn't like change all that much but he'll get use to it. I promise. But until then just give him time." He said before smirking, "I think he's already warming up to."

"I have to seriously doubt that." I say as I look at the front of the classroom as the teacher walked in.

If my dad was here he would want me to think she was attractive, and in reality she was but underneath that she was still a she. And as much as I tried to hide it and deny it, she wasn't for me.

But I could see the way she looked at me, and it looked like she was for me. I hid my cringe behind my cold exterior as I stare anywhere but at the teacher who was all but gawking at me.

Where did they even find this girl? Did all of the people in this camp come from prison or something? I'm young enough to be her son.

Callum glanced over at me with a frown before glancing back up at the woman who was supposed to be teaching us. He seemed to be the only person in this room to realize what she was doing.

Anger flashed across his face and stayed there, which was something I didn't expect. He didn't seem like the type to get mad easily but at the same time this face seemed to suit him much better than a frown ever could. It looked as if he had years of practice hidden behind it.

I shot him a look that said 'don't worry it's fine' but he didn't calm down.

And just like that I had a cabin mate at someone else neck within just a few minutes of being here.

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