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Just something you probably should know, the "thing in the cage" that I introduced in the last chapter is not from the mcu or from any other story or anything... it's kinda a creation of my own, which might explain why it sucks, but please don't hate on it for not being an mcu character 😅

"What is that?" Peter shouted as Bucky slammed the door shut, still holding Peter roughly in his metallic hand. "What the hell is that!?"
"You shouldn't have gone in there." Bucky let go of Peter but didn't look at him.
"But what is it?" Peter asked insistently, the image of himself grinning so evilly flashing before his eyes.
"You won't have ever heard of him," Bucky said slowly as he did something to the door, presumably locking it though Peter was too freaked out to pay much attention. "No one will have heard of it, not for centuries."
Peter didn't know quite what to say to that. He glanced at his friends, taking in Flash's wide, terrified eyes, Neds mouth still hanging open, MJs face drained of all colour. "You guys okay?" He asked softly.
Nobody responded. Bucky, his face still rigid with anger, motioned for the four of them to walk ahead of him, back the way they had come earlier. He followed them down the long corridors until they reached the door to the living quarters. Before opening it, he turned to them.
"Peter, you're going to come with me," he said. "The rest of you go to your rooms. It is of the utmost importance that you do not speak of this to anyone, got it?"

Once the other three had gone back to their rooms, Bucky lead Peter down a corridor he hadn't noticed before. They reached a door and Bucky frowned.
"Don't go wandering around on your own, kid," he said tersely before pushing open the door.
Inside was a wonderful mess of lights and keyboards and screens; this was clearly some sort of control room. Wanda was there. She looked up as they entered, a smile forming and then dropping away as she took in their expressions.
"What happened?" Wanda asked, striding towards them.
"We're going to need to tell this kid about UB03."
"UB03?" Peter repeated. "What the hell is UB03?"
"Not what, so much as who," Wanda said softly. Bucky gave her a look and she rolled her eyes. "Just because someone isn't the self they once were, or aren't their own creation, doesn't mean they aren't a person."
"Can someone please tell me what this thing is!" Peter shouted, his voice coming out pitchier than usual.
"We don't really know," Wanda admitted. Bucky frowned.
"That's not exactly true."
"We think it was a person once, like, a normal person."
"Where did it come from?" Peter interrupted. "Why is it here? And why did it have my face?"
Wanda and Bucky exchanged a look.
"It can alter its appearance as well as make us see things that aren't really there," Bucky said. "I don't know which, but it must have been doing one of those."
"As for why it's here," Wanda said. "Some secret organisation over in Poland had a containment breach. Years ago. They were afraid this one would figure out a way out while things were all chaotic and contacted Stark industries about taking him."
Everything they were saying whirled through Peters head at a million miles per hour. Secret organisation? Containment breach? What?
"This was the safest place to keep it," Bucky said. "A couple of their engineers and scientists came over and helped develop the cage system it's in. Ultimate protection. It's not going anywhere. That's why this place doesn't even have guards. It's also the safest place for you guys right now, or would have been if you hadn't gone snooping around."
"We were exploring," Peter defended half heartedly. "Wait, there's a secret organization in Poland that has like... Things with powers?"
"We aren't supposed to discuss that," Bucky muttered as Wanda began to speak.
"It's an organisation that governments don't know about so that they can keep things like what you saw, UB03, contained but safe," Wanda explained. "There's be government organisations that would want to experiment, dissect, who knows what else. This is the most humane way of containing dangerous things like that."
"Where did it come from though?" Peter asked, still confused.
"Probably a result of experimentation in the first place," Wanda said. "There's speculations that it's an alien, but I don't know about that. There's no way to really know without it telling us and nobodies ever allowed in with it. How did you even get in there?"
"Through the door."
"That was open?" Wanda turned to Bucky. "How the hell was it open?"
"I don't go in there," Bucky said, shrugging but looking rather concerned. "When was the last time those guys from the Pollish organisation came to do their security checks?"
"Before we came. And I checked the door. I wanted to make sure it was safe before the kids got here."
"We're not kids," Peter said, but no one was really listening to him.
"So someone opened the door since we've been here,"Bucky said, realisation dawning on him.
Wanda turned to a screen that looked blank but, seeing a faint shadowy movement, Peter realised it was the room with the cage. "Or it's been able to open the door or along."

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