Chapter 25~Petty Bitch

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As I sat sprawled out on my living room couch
after last nights fiasco, my phone rang.
The loud beeping made my ears ring, but I forced myself to answer.
"Hello?" I said groggily.
"Is this Alexandria Stone?"
"It is. Who is this?"
"This is Detective Holly from your mothers case- remember me?"
I paused for a second, wondering what could she possibly tell me.
"Yeah, I do. How can I help you?" I said in a fake cheerful voice.
"We need to speak to you asap, if you could come down to the Police Department by 9 p.m. that would be amazing."
I fingered my knuckle,"Sure."
"Sounds good, have a great day!" Static picked up on the other end of the phone.
It was almost ironic how she was telling me to 'have a good day' yet she just ruined it by bringing up my mothers death. It may not have effected my emotional state in a huge way, but she was the last family I had left.

I tossed my phone across the couch and flopped back down, covering my hands with my face.
But, of course, a knock at the door ruined my peace.
"Damn." I whispered.
I pulled myself from the couch once again, and made my way towards the door.
I unlatched the lock and pulled to door open, not bothering to put any work into my appearance.
Katy and Demi stood on the other side of the door.
"Damn, girl, you look rough as hell." Demi laughed. I rolled my eyes and walked away from the door, Katy and Demi followed.
"Where'd you go last night? Pierce was asking." Katy asked while taking a seat on the barstool at the kitchen island.
I gave her a dirty look,"Why didnt he just come ask me?"
She shrugged,"I don't know, are you guys arguing or something?" She asked, propping her head up on the palm of her hand.
I let out a sigh, "No, he's just being an asshole."
Demi walked around the table and took a seat next to Katy, close enough that their legs were touching.
"So we met Abelle.." Demi trailed off.
I let out a small laugh and ran a hair through my hair.
"Really? You like her?" I asked.
"She's very.. opinionated. And obvious about her feelings." She said to the table.
Katy perked up as her phone rang.
She pulled it from her back pocket and held it up to her ear.
"What's good?" She answered.
She paused for a few seconds as she was listening to the speaker.
She then made eye contact with me and squinted her eyes.
"Uh huh." She nodded.
Demi and I made a suspicious glance at each other.
Katy pulled the phone away and stuck it back in her pocket, turned around and stuck a finger out at me.
"You were with Grim, weren't you?" Katy revealed.
Demi's head shot back to me, I felt my check heat up.
"Maybe, maybe not." I scratched the back of my neck and smiled.
"You sly motherfucker!" Katy laughed. "I knew he liked youuuuu." She pranced around the barstool.
I rolled my eyes at her.
"Did you fuck him?" Demi asked.
"Yeah, but it got cut short." I shrugged. "It didn't mean anything, we were both just bored."
"What about Pierce?" Katy stopped.
I sighed, "We aren't dating or anything. It shouldn't ma-" I corrected myself. "It doesn't matter."
Demi raised an eyebrow, "It's gonna matter to Pierce."
"He's not my boyfriend." I shot back.
"You should talk to him." Demi furrowed her brows.
"We have to be at the House soon anyway, so get dressed, and let's go." Katy said, pulling Demi towards the door.
Katy mouthed, 'We'll be in the car.' before walking out of the door and shutting it behind her.
I picked my head up and rubbed my eyes, walking towards my room to get dressed.


The drive towards the clubhouse was painfully average, Demi and Katy arguing while I try and block them out from the backseat.
I managed to keep myself occupied by worrying about seeing Grim and Pierce in the same room. I know I didn't owe either of them anything, but it didn't keep my from not being anxious.
"Did you hear me?" Katy said.
I turned my head from out the window to see Katy staring me down.
"Sorry, what?" I relayed.
She gave me a worried smile, then turned around and sat back in her seat.
"Nothing." She sighed.
Demi looked over from the drivers seat at Katy, who was messing with her nails.
She whispered something that I couldn't hear and averted her eyes back to the road.

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