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Latin name:

Bellis perennis & Leucanthemum vulgare

Know it:

The innocuous daisy has many magickal, culinary, and medicinal uses. However, the word daisy encompasses several species of flowers from the Asteraceae family. Certain species can be eaten raw, as a tea, or used as a potherb and have high nutritional value. Others can be used to treat respiratory illness, menstruation issues, or digestive problems.

The daisy is also a potent magickal companion symbolizing happiness, luck, purity, and innocence. It has a protective nature as well, especially concerning children and babes.

Though the flower has associations with the sun and Midsummer, it also has associations with the moon, the feminine, and the element of water; as well as love and Beltane.

Everyone knows the daisy for its infamous divination spell of 'he loves me, he loves me not' while plucking petals. Folklore also says the sight of the first daisy of spring signifies luck in love.

Grow it:

Many flowers with a yellow eye and long white petals are referred to as daisies. They grow easily from seed and are very hardy plants. They are relatively drought-tolerant, but don't tolerate shade well.

Most are relatively easy to grow and care for. Some, like Leucanthemum vulgare, the Oxeye daisy are a notorious weed in many areas and it's allowed to be grown as it is considered an invasive species. It can often be found growing wild.

Other varieties are a bit tamer and easier to keep from spreading. Daisies spread both by root and seed. This means they can spread very quickly Even when uprooted, if the tiniest bit of root is left, then more will grow. Some of those other, tamer varieties include the shasta daisy and the English daisy.

Picking daisy heads all season long will keep the plant producing more blooms. This can also prevent spreading. The blooms also attract pollinators to the garden. Bees especially love daisies.

There is an allergy risk with daisies. They are unfortunately one of the many plants that stuff up my nose! Rashes can also occur. But don't be discouraged from gardening if you're allergic. Even the greenest witches aren't in tune with every plant.

Use it:

The entire aerial parts can be harvested. It is primarily the flower heads that are used medicinally and the greens for food. Flowers can be used fresh or dried

When drying flowers, choose blooms that are fully open, but not yet beginning to wilt. Pick them on a dry day and after the morning dew has evaporated to avoid the risk of mold. Remove leaves and cut stems to desired length. To hang dry, tie stems together to form a bunch and hang upside down in a dark place for a few weeks. To press dry, sandwich flowers in two sheets of paper and insert into a heavy book. Stack another couple books on top and wait a few weeks until dry.

You'll want to use fresh flowers with long stems for any sort of daisy chain, wreath, or crown, which bring luck in love when worn. And fresh daisy flowers can be used as an altar decoration or an offering, especially at Ostara, Beltane or Midsummer.

The flower has associations with the sun and Midsummer. The petals or whole flower heads can be used to cast a love spell, create a protection circle, for a Midsummer ritual, or in a sun spell; mix daisies with salt and other sun-associated herbs like chamomile, basil, St. John's wort, or sunflowers.

Daisies are often used in children's protection spells and baby blessings as they symbolize childhood and innocence.

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