Chapter 1

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No one POV

No more royals
No more hierarchy

These were the thoughts going through John's head at the moment. He had finally taken down the person who had destroyed the life he had built up at Wellston. Yet he couldn't help but feel bad for what he had done to Remi, although John hated high tiers he couldn't hate her as it seemed that she genuinely cared for others around her and didn't do it out of obligation, but her naivety irradiated him than anything because he couldn't for the life of him believe that anyone could be as out of touch with the school that she could fix it's without understanding the underlying issues.

Blyke was a bit different he could understand and even respect the man, he cared for his friends if someone hurt or insulted them they better prepare for a world of hurt it didn't matter if they were a higher tier or a cripple both with receive no mercy from him, But he couldn't know whether he was genuinely trying to be friends with him or just doing it because of Remi.

Isen, John wish's he did more the dude tricked him into a fake interview trying to pry into John past which John was trying to escape, broke his hand solely because he could and acted friendly when he found out John was more powerful the him. But at the same time he could see when it came to investigating him he had no choice. All of the events that occurred was the fault of one person and one person only.

Arlo, John hated him more than he has hated anyone in is entire life. John had never done anything to him yet Arlo decided
John was a problem for his rule so Arlo got the only person that John cared about in Wellston suspended for a month while using that month to make John's life hell breaking him down all the while pretending to be a friend, well to be fair, he did say he wasn't interested in being friends, all he cared about was his hierarchy but if he had left me alone had he not gotten Seraphina suspended none of this would have happened. Sera wouldn't have lost her powers, he'd still have his throne and the Joker wouldn't exist.

"No" John thought " No use thinking of what if's and what could have been, it happened, just got to accept it "

"Elaine isn't answering her phone and Tanner is still on leave after his fight with the Joker so looks like you have to go and see Doc at the infirmary now" Cecile said breaking John away from his thoughts

"Guess I'm going die now " John said

"How you don't have any life threatening injuries, just a few burns and a shuttered hand" Cecile said "Just go see Doc. "

"I meant doc is going to kill me" John said

"Why? " Cecile asked

"Because I sent more people to the infirmary in weeks than most people have been there in 2 years not to mention I did just send all the royals there in one day so yeah he's not going to be happy with me ." John explain

"Come on it can't be that bad now" Cecile said

A few minutes later

Doc said with his ability active outside the infirmary
Unnerving Cecile but barely fazing John

Before John could reply Doc interrupted, " I don't care what the reason was just get in here and I'll kill you just now."

"Don't you mean "heal" Cecile said

"Did I stutter?" Doc said with his ability still active as he walked back in the infirmary muttering curses under his breath

"Told you so " John said

"Wow" was all Cecile could let out

"Ok thanks for bringing me here now I better go in and wait for my execution " John said "See you later your dismissed for the day"

"Are you sure I can stay if you want" Cecile said

"It's fine " John said "I got this"

With that Cecile left and John open the door to the infirmary and walk in were he saw the royals awake but badly injured from their battle earlier . Blyke and Isen had looks that were combination of shock , anger but mostly fear .
Remi had a look of pure curiosity with a bit of anger .
Elaine looked as if she was having a heart attack and a panic attack at the same time .
Arlo face was twisted into a scowl as if someone messed up his coffee

John look them dead in the eye and with a straight face and said
"Joker really did a number on you guys huh ."

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