How they met? (Bonus 2)

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(Ainhoa & Harper)

(Her - Ainhoa)

Wow! Just wow! I just spent the best night of my life! And the best thing is it only one of the first. I know with him, Collin, I will have thousands of nights like that. I can't believe I found my mate and he's a werewolf like Alec. It's funny how with Alix, we always wanted a true love and we are both mated to werewolves instead of shifter like us.

For shifters, mates are not as precious as for werewolves for two reasons. First,there is only three shifters clans in the world most of the shifters don't live in pack like werewolves so it's rare to meet your mate. Secondly, we do have a beast side but not a real beast spirit as werewolves have, so the mate pull is weaker.We were both so disappointed to learned that. It was crushing our dream of true love...

And look at us now! We are both mated to werewolves! This is just amazing. When Alix met Alec, I was so happy for her but more time passed more I felt envy to have that too. They are so perfect for each others and he will do everything for her. I wanted the same love for me. And now I have or I will. Collin is so sweet that I'm already falling for him. And if what Alix told me about him and his daughter is true I will fall even harder and I will see them together.

"You're coming back late! Or early." Alix comments while I enter our place.

"It's never late when you were with your mate." I say.

"I've already heard that or rather said that. Did you just stole my words?"

"Maybe. But it's awesome to be able to say that."

"I know and I'm so happy for you. You deserve your own true love and I know how you wanted to meet your true mate."

"Thank you!! I was losing hope to meet him but it was worth to wait. He is so sweet!" I say dreamily.

"Ow! That's so cute! Tell me everything! I want to know everything!"

"Did you wait for me all night?"

"No, of course not!" She tries to deny but I know her too well.

"You didn't even sleep?" I ask.

"Nope, I was too excited. Come on, I want all the details! How is he?"

I bite my lips, should I let her wait a little more? No! I can't! I can't because I need to share everything with her!

"He is amazing! I'm so lucky. He is sweet, smart and so thoughtful. He was listening to everything I was saying, like really listening. He is so loving. I can't wait to see him again." I say smiling.

"Oh I'm so happy!" She says hugging me.

"Me too!" I say hugging her back.

"I spoke with Alec earlier and he wants to stay until Lilly's fight is over but after he will join me, like that you can go see him." She adds.

"Thank you!!"

"It's normal little sis, you would have done the same thing for me!"

"I will join him in his pack then and I will meet our daughter!" I say.

"So you're accepting her as your own?" She asks me.

"Well if she accepts me as her mom, yes. I mean what's Collin told me about her made me fall in love with her. She already has her place in my heart."

"That's really nice of you. I didn't know if would have accepted if Alec had a child with another woman."

"You met him when you were both 19. It's not the same. We are both 23, it's late for a werewolf to meet his mate and as I was not sure I would found mine one day."

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