Chapter 7: Pain and Punishment

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Turning, Voldemort looked at Harry. "Well, what do you think. I'd normally kill traitors." Harry nodded slightly, eyes vague before blinking and turning to Voldemort. "Huh?" Shaking his head, he stood and walked over, offering his hand to the boy. He took it and stood, swaying slightly. He tugged the boy towards him, until he was slightly leaning against his side. He nodded towards Snape. "What do you want to do? We can decide later if you aren't up to it now." Harry nodded and glanced at Severus from the corner of his eye. "I think we should leave him in the dungeons to stew a bit, you can decide what to do with him later?" Tom nodded and said "We can decide what to do with him later, I'll have wormtail take him away." He turned to Snape only to see him gone. He looked around the room confused, when a black shadow walked towards them. I've taken him away to the prison area. Harry smiled, and thanked the shadow, and together they walked towards the sitting room in Voldemorts private quarters. Voldemort was worried about Harry, and was sure the boy could feel it through the Horcrux bond.

Harry leant against Voldemort, feeling ill. He was barely aware of talking, or walking. He only felt a little better once he was sitting down on the chaise lounge, half lying on the dark lord now. "Harry, what's wrong?" He was silent for a moment longer, trying to get his head together. "Sorry. Sometimes when I get upset, my conciousness slips into the shadows. But being part of that many beings is disorienting so when I come back it's a little overwhelming." Even as he said this, he fell back completely on the lounge, to tired and dizzy to completely register where he was.

Voldemort shifted slightly, surprised by Harry's sudden closeness. No one had been this close to him in a very long time. Most people would be too scared. And here the boy was, lying on his lap. He'd killed the child's parents for Merlin's sake! He didn't say any of this of course, instead opting to lightly massage the boys head. Hand buried in his hair he asked, "Can I help?" Harry was quiet for a few minutes before replying with, "This is fine, I just need a minute. I might need to pull Cherié back." As he spoke, the dark figure materialised from the sofa's shadow and merged with Harry, forming another shadowy, shapeless mass.

Taking in a sudden sharp breath, Harry sat up a little, no longer in Voldemorts lap, but with the man's hand still in his hair. He released a long slow sigh, leaning back on the chair. "That's better. Cherié drains a lot of my energy just wondering around like that." He chuckled slightly, and then went quiet as he finally took in the position he was in. The DARK LORD! had his hand buried in his hair, and he'd been practically lying on the man before. Play it off Potter, you can do this. "You're very comfy by the way. Not very Dark-lord-ish of you." Smooth. Harry scowled at his shadow. I don't need the input Cherié thank you. He turned back as the dark lord lightly poked his side. "Very funny Harry. Now, I believe you wanted to talk about the prophecy." Harry nodded, as much as he could with the wizards hand still buried in his hair. What the hell? "Yeah. So.....what is it and why the hell haven't I heard about it." Voldemort grimaced, and it was a strange look to see on his face. "Dumbledore." Harry, scowled, of course it was Dumbledore, it was always Dumbledore. "I was told the prophecy by Severus just before you were born. He only heard the first line, but it was enough for me to establish you as a threat. Apparently, Severus then told Dumbledore about the target on their back and....well you know the rest." Harry stayed quiet, conflicted in his feelings. On the one hand, the Dark Lord wasn't what he'd perceived him to be. Harry had never felt so accepted or interested in a very long time. On the other hand, the man took his parents from him. Perhaps if his mother hadn't been so scared of anyone knowing about their abilities, she would still be alive. Looking up he saw the clearly uncomfortable look on Voldemorts face, probably from the topic. It was a little awkward. "What did the prophecy say?" Harry felt the relief  flow through their strange connection. "The prophecy was:

The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord approaches
Born to those who have thrice defied him
Born as the seventh month dies
And the dark lord will mark him as his equal
But he will have power the Dark Lord knows not..."

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