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Taehyung and Jungkook jumped at the gunshots firing off at the door, the younger quickly covering his ears.

"Fuck," Taehyung cursed, frantically looking around. They didn't have many options to escape, especially since the younger lived on the top floor.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung shouted for the boy over the gunshots, but Jungkook had his ears firmly covered, crouching down and shaking. Taehyung quickly ran to him. "Jungkook, look at me!"

The younger wouldn't budge, so Taehyung grabbed his tear-stained face with his hands and forced him to look up.

"Jungkook, do you have a gun in here?"


"A gun, Jungkook! A gun! Do you have one!" Taehyung yelled hysterically over the gunshots.

Jungkook frowned, thinking, before remembering that Hoseok had stashed away a gun for emergencies.

Jungkook nodded, snatching Taehyung's hand and leading them to his room. He opened up his closet, opening a secret silver compartment at the bottom of the closet.

He attempted to type in the code, his fingers stuttering with each gunshot sounding off.

Taehyung looked frenetically between Jungkook and the door, hoping the younger would hurry. There was no doubt whoever was on the other side of the door was close to breaking in.

"I-I got it!" Jungkook yelled, holding up the gun by the barrel. He lifted it towards Taehyung.

The older quickly grabbed the gun before looking around the room for a hiding place. There was no way they were walking out there.

Jungkook continued to rummage through the compartment, lifting things out of the way until he found it. The small, bright red panic bottom.

Quickly, Jungkook tapped it twice, praying BTS was getting the alert.

"Jungkook, over here!"

Jungkook turned and found Taehyung hiding behind his massive case along the wall in his closet, gesturing the younger to follow. Jungkook quickly ran to Taehyung, squeezing near the blonde.

Taehyung pushed the younger behind, grabbing his hand in a tight grip and keeping his other on the trigger.


They both flinched as the door was finally kicked in, knocking into glass as it collided with the floor. Multiple footsteps could be heard entering the penthouse, shoes crunching against the broken glass.

"Jeon!" A man yelled, taunt in his tone. "Come out come out wherever you are~"

Jungkook squeezed Taehyung's hand, cowering closer to him.

"Where are you, Jeon~"

They listened as the men rummaged through the rooms, flinging things across the room and flipping furniture — destroying everything.

Some seconds later, the pair heard footsteps enter Jungkook's room, both of them tensing, holding their breath.

Taehyung tightly held onto the younger, finger ready on the trigger. It's been a while since he's had to fight — preferring not to be a part of the mix — but oh well.

"You can't hide forever, Jeon," the same man spoke. "Why don't you save us some time and just come out already."

More vases and books were thrown around, clashing with the wall. Jungkook had to bite his hand to keep from crying out at the clatter.

"Kim, we know you're in here too," a different voice sounded, almost seething.

Taehyung's eyes widened, shocked, before he frowned. He knew that voice from somewhere...

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