Chapter 55: No More Pain

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As Haru brought the knife down upon the girl, he felt resistance as it hit skin, drawing blood. It slit her throat just barely, sending her into a panic. She scampered out of the bed, feeling the sting the blade inflicted on her. The male gave a pained look, seeing he hadn't finished her off in one blow. He had intended to make it painless for her and ensure she would never be harmed again, but her expression was twisted with agony and despair.

"What are you doing?!" (Y/n) exclaimed, grasping at her now-bleeding neck.

Haru winced at her harsh tone and crawled to where the girl was, placing his shaking hands on her neck as he stared at the crimson liquid gushing from her neck. Then he looked into her eyes and placed his hand on her cheek, smearing the blood onto her skin. Her eyes widened as he did so, watching in fear as he clutched tightly on the knife in his possession.

He had tried to calm her before he ended everything, but she didn't seem to buy it, twisting the knife out of his hands before running away. She was weak from the illness, unable to run quickly, but she used the wall to help her balance. Haru grabbed the knife, massaging his wrist before going after the girl. It wasn't long before he caught up, able to see her in sight. He felt uneasy about chasing after her.

As he thought about it, his despair only grew. He didn't want the girl to die in the slightest, wanting to spend more time with her, but he would far prefer she never suffered again. She didn't seem to have the same belief, actively avoiding him and his dagger despite his concerned looks. Sometimes the expressions were more violent and full of rage than anything else, terrifying the girl to great extents, but he thought he was doing what was best for her.

When he finally caught her in his grip, they were on the rooftop. Although she had tried to go downstairs to get people to see his violence, he had forced her upstairs, almost like a dog shepherding sheep. He had her neck pressed up against his shoulder as he held her from behind, pressing the knife to her throat. He began to prepare himself for what he was about to do, closing his eyes before saying what he believed to be his parting words to her.

"J'aimerais passer plus de temps avec toi...," he whispered, audibly crying, "Tu me plais."

(Y/n) wasn't sure what he was saying, considering she never learned the language he spoke from time to time, but she figured that since he was speaking it, it must have been of some comfort to him. He pressed his lips to her neck, almost possessively, his contact with her shaking as if he'd never been more scared. The brunette turned her around to see her face to face and she noticed that he'd been bawling quietly behind her.

"You don't have to feel pain anymore," he said sadly, attempting to give a comforting smile to her, "You don't have to. No more pain."

"I'm fine," she protested, "It's just a small cold! You don't have to kill me!"

"It'll get worse," he said, his eyes narrowing.

He gave a weakened expression and collapsed onto the ground, taking her with him. He clutched around her waist, burying himself in his neck. Her back was put through stress and as she made contact with the floor, a small surge of pain running through her and another, more painful, when Haru collided with her.

"That hurt, didn't it?" he asked, thinking it a rhetorical question and continuing as he positioned the knife to her throat again, "You'll be hurt more and more as time goes on. Why go through it? I'll end it for you right here and now. I'll be sad and lonely, but you'll be alright. Doesn't that tell you how much I care for you?"

"If you cared about me, you wouldn't kill me!" she said, struggling against his grasp.

His grasp tightened on her and he paused in thought, nuzzling her cheek with great affection. He then began to whimper and freed one of his hands to interlock in one of hers, bringing it so close to himself that she could feel the vibration of his heartbeat through his chest. A few tears were slipped onto her hand as he couldn't control them, letting her see a glimpse of his true emotions of the subject.

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