22. Greatest Gifts (part II)

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Snow had covered the grounds in a thick blanket of white during the night, and Damien awoke bright and early, looking around his room with a smile. It's Christmas, he thought excitedly. Of all of the holidays, Christmas was by far one of his favorites. 

His mother was notorious for going all out for Christmas. While normally this would be a great joy for Damien, part of him couldn't help but be worried about that fact. The last thing he wanted was for Oliver to feel as though they were simply giving him things out of pity for his situation, especially after what Tyler had said. The trouble was, the gifts had already been purchased and his mother was not about to return anything, especially not simply because some spoiled brat like Tyler Benson wanted to make Oliver feel guilty about the Carmichael's and their extravagance. 

Damien stretched, half debating whether or not he wanted to get out of bed, his smartwatch informed him it was nearing 6 AM so chances were good that his parents would already be awake should he want to go downstairs and start unwrapping presents. But then there was Oliver to consider. He was still fast asleep, his arm curled around Damien's waist making the prospect of leaving his bed that much less appealing. He didn't want to wake Oliver either, Damien sighed, burrowing deeper into Oliver's embrace. Christmas could wait for a little while longer, he thought to himself.

The second time Damien awoke, it was to the sound of his name softly being called by Oliver. Damien groaned nestling further into Oliver's chest for warmth. Oliver chuckled and Damien whined squinting one eye open.

"Come on sleepyhead. It's Christmas," Oliver teased.

Damien didn't quite have the heart to tell him that he'd already been awake once, but that he'd gone back to sleep for Oliver.

Damien beckoned him closer, Oliver smirked his face hovering above Damien's.

"Kiss to wake," Damien whispered.

At this Oliver laughed, "Is that so? Well, my sleeping beauty, I suppose I can handle that," he leaned down and pressed a kiss to Damien's lips.

Damien grinned, opening his eyes happily. Oliver smiled, pulling Damien to his feet, and the two made their way downstairs. Christmas morning was the only time it was acceptable to show up to breakfast in pjs, so neither one had bothered to change.

Damien shoveled breakfast quickly, before running into the formal drawing room where the Christmas tree was full of presents, as usual. 

Oliver strolled in a few minutes later and took a seat beside Damien before pulling him into his lap, wrapping his arms around his waist and burying his face in Damien's shoulder. Damien blushed.

Several minutes later, Damien's parents arrived and took a seat on the sofa across from them.

"I think someone has to get the gifts though," Damien whispered, he wasn't used to being so openly affectionate in front of his parents. 

"Oh yes, right," Oliver said with a laugh, squeezing Damien tighter to his chest for a moment. Damien giggled. His laugh died when he heard a soft sigh behind him. Turning, he saw his mother looking dreamily at the two of them.

"Ah, to be young and in love," she said. At this, Damien's father laughed, and rolled his eyes.

"Leave them be," he said.

"I just mean, they're so adorable. I never saw you acting like this when you were with Maddie, or any of your other girlfriends," she said. "I just wish I'd seen the signs."

Damien frowned, staring at the floor.

"Come on then," his father said, making his way towards the tree and plucking up a gift for his mother. "It's supposed to be Christmas," he said. "Let's open some gifts."

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