#Not A Chapter 2

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Okay not gonna lie I feel like I'm in writing block for this series, but now I want to continue cause now I feel like I can write again for it, but now I can't for the other series I think I'll work as much as I can for this series, starting now I'll write each chapter a day like I did last summer and since I'm coming close to a certain war arc it might be good tell some things, first I will skip most of the filler and there will the fact Izuku will be leaving U.A and this is permanent he won't come back, so no hero diploma for Izuku but it doesn't really matter since Izuku will have a time skip

Any way I want to show you Izuku's kids, I haven't got all their names and quirks with personalities, I was wonder if you guys can help on that, oh and birthdays too

Ochako Uraraka (During a mission on his second test job)

Ochako Uraraka (During a mission on his second test job)

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??? D. Midoriya

Birth: ???

Even though Izuku had control over his anger most of his life his son doesn't have that much self control causing him to anger more easily, but this mostly happens if someone is being un fair, mocking him or even hurting people, that's why he wants to do help people anyway he can, as long as he has strength justice will be on his side

Quirk: Gravity Control

Like his mother he can make any item or person completely weightless and over doing it will cause nausea, but unlike his mother he can cause the gravity to intensify, switch back and forth.

Drawbacks: like his mother the more he uses the float less side he will get nauseous, but if he increases the gravity on a certain amount of targets he will slowly start to get heavy as well.

Jiro Kyoka (Final Night of Culture festival)

Jiro Kyoka (Final Night of Culture festival)

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??? D. Midoriya

Birth: ???

Personality: ???

Quirk: ???

Momo Yaoyorozu (valentine's day)

Momo Yaoyorozu (valentine's day)

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