Chapter 56: Tainting Affections

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Takuya woke up before anyone else, feeling a surge of energy spike in him as the first bit of sunlight made contact with him. He rubbed his eyes, his pale hair falling in front of his eyes. Even then, he was still able to see through it, focusing his attention on the girl, first and foremost. Delighted to see he was the only one awake, he bounced up from where he was sleeping and placed a small and bashful kiss on the girl's cheek.

"Good morning," he paused, blushing at his next word and tucking a strand of his white hair behind his ear, "sweetheart."

Upon saying the term of endearment, he giggled and hid his face from view by covering it with his hands, shaking his head in embarrassment. He peeked from his make-shift barrier, hoping for the girl to be awake, but she remained peacefully asleep. He lowered his hands, putting them determinedly on his legs and leaning closer to her. Turning his head to ensure no other males, besides himself, were awake, he then placed his hand on her cheek and pulled it toward himself. He closed the gap between their lips, eagerly awaiting the sensation of vulnerable skin touching.

"Don't try it," Shota yawned, tugging violently on his hair.

The white-haired boy gave an irritated groan and hugged the girl possessively, shaking his head to rid the grasp of the redhead on his hair. (Y/n) gave a small groan, rubbing her eyes as she slowly awoke. Takuya grinned widely, staring at her newly awakened (e/c) eyes. Shota did the same, enthralled by the rich color within them. He rested his cheek in the palm of his hand, giving a small chuckle at it.

"Morning, my dear," he grinned, kissing the back of her hand.

She pulled it back in disgust and turned her back on him and Takuya, pulling the blanket over her head. Shota gave a chuckle at the action, finding it amusing, but Takuya seemed saddened by it, frowning and looking at the ground. The girl, somehow sensing his despair, turned around just to give him a small pat on the head. He gave a wide beaming smile and hugged her arm, rubbing his cheek up against it.

"Do you want anything?" Takuya asked, hopefully, "I'll be happy to grab you anything you want!"

"No, I'm fine - "

She cut off her sentence as she saw the despondent look on the boy's face. He wanted to be useful to her and she knew it as it was clearly written on his face. So she thought of something off the top of her head, trying to make it so he could easily access it and feel pride from doing it. She knew he could use some.

"Would you mind getting me coffee or something?" she asked, watching as his blue eyes lit up in joy.

"Absolutely!" he said, jumping out of the chair, "What would you like?"

"Surprise me," she smiled.

The boy gave a puzzled expression, unknowing if he was capable of getting something that she liked without her explicitly stating it. Then again, he felt some kind of fire being lit in him, determined to fulfill her request and gain a compliment or two. He gave a smile and waved to her before bolting off, leaving the girl to attempt to go to sleep once more. Of course, it wasn't that simple and she should've known that she wouldn't have gotten any alone time with the possessive males around.

"Would you like to get some fresh air outside?" the redhead asked, straightening out his hair.

The girl ignored him, still feeling upset about his antics. He didn't appreciate the silence, although he tolerated it, figuring it was best to leave her be if only for a moment. It wasn't long after that someone "sneaked" into the (Y/n)'s bed. When she felt their hands placed on her hips, shivers ran up her spine and she let out a yelp. She received a chuckle in return and a kiss was placed on her neck.

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