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Shows a montage of Sol "Wait you thought this was about my perfect brother, my nemesis but also my best friend, no, this is my rise to my rightful evil power..."

There was a place where the cosmos resides in the beings of the celestials, they kept the peace well most of them do the dark/southern hemisphere create chaos and their dictator's name is Eclipse heir to darkness her enemy is Nova Flare he is the to light and he is the king of the light/north hemisphere. But how did they get their positions well I'll tell you, It was a fine day on 2024 April 8 in the celestials The Sun, Earth, and Moon gave birth to their children Sol, Tierra, and Luna, Sol was Sun's son he had a fiery personality, Tierra was the offspring of Earth they were in love with nature, Luna was Moon's daughter she was nerdy and fun. By the time they were in high school, Sol was captain of the football team and got all A's, Tierra was the leader of nature and LGBTQ+ clubs, and Luna has special needs and gets picked on because she was the only autistic girl.

One day in P.E. Luna was playing dodgeball she lost so Sol's friends threw the balls at her, and she attacked them back in blind rage with physical punches, she was restrained by her special educator and then was sent home early.

Sol became scared of his sister's violent actions he decided to help others when they are bullied or stressed, meanwhile, Luna let those aggressive thoughts plague her mind she developed dark moon magic by creating large shadows, Luna growls in revenge "I'll rise up to the top, we'll see who is the inferior one"

Sol noticed that she was becoming negative he tried to help her through her troubles, but Luna's mind was set and when Luna wanted something she didn't let anything get in the way, she planned revenge on her bullies by messing with their science labs.

Environmental Science was a course that Sol, Tierra, and Luna took together. Luna dipped a chemical into Tierra's plant project to sabotage their project, Sol saw this and told his teacher, the teacher told Luna's behavioral interventionist, her BI deducted points from her incentive chart, the autistic girl got pissed and tried to justify her malicious action, no one would believe her so she had a tantrum.
Her BI sent her to one of the seclusion rooms to de-escalate, Luna started to cry and lose her mind, Tierra felt pity for their sister and came to comfort her, they asked her if she had any remorse Luna angrily stated "Oh, it wasn't about you, I knew I would infuriate Sol, that I am messing with others" Tierra replied "Well, please don't do this again" "I can't make that promise"

School was over and it was dinnertime, Sol told his family that Luna had another meltdown, Moon felt awful that her daughter was not fitting along with others "Luna have you made any friends" "No one likes me, why would I try to when everyone sees me as the naughty autistic girl" Sun chimed in "Luna this behavior needs to stop" "Or what dad, you are going to take away my entertainment again, I'll just grab it from you while your sleeping" Earth mentioned that she should take meditation classes Tierra added "It would help your anger issues" "I don't need to calm down, I need people to do what I say" Sol saw the argument get out of hand "Luna what has gotten into you" "Oh I don't know, maybe the abuse I've faced, or the insults that have been thrown at me constantly" "Luna you should rise above it and ignore them" "Rise above it? Ignore? how can I when it causes me pain every single day" she stormed up to her room.

The next school day*

Luna was riding the short bus into school thinking 'why do I have to take this stupid bus to get to the same location as everyone else' then it pulled up to the school 10 minutes earlier than the other buses. Luna's BI met her at the school door and they walked to the Special Ed homeroom, the first bell rang, and her BI went through her school day schedule and then made Luna recite it word by word.

They arrived at her first class which was PE, Luna saw Sol's best friend that was a boy Sirius(the second most popular boy) shoot 10 baskets in a row, she wanted to prove that she is capable of doing sports. Luna went up to Sirius "watch this" she threw her ball at the hoop and missed it by a foot, "watch what" Luna tensed up and tears started to form in her eyes, she didn't have the words to respond she went to her BI and asked "can I take a time out, I don't feel so well" she took a five-minute walk around the building with her BI, whilst this she noticed Sol making out with Vega 'ugh Vega doesn't deserve him', then she made her way back to PE, they moved onto another activity 'thank god, I hated that game' she was amazing at the new game they were playing which was called manhunt, after awhile Luna's score rose up to #1. The game was over "Ha, Ha take that suckers, ahahai" Luna's BI told her that she'd taken a point off from her chart for being mean "I don't care, I won finally" the bell rang so they went to Luna's 2nd class Math(her favorite).

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