Part 75

317 30 6

Naksh-(shout) Keerti..

He got up and push that goon away from her..

He run toward her...

Keerti hold her head..she saw blood in her hand..

she is getting unconscious...

She is about to fall down when he hold her in his arms..

He got shocked seeing blood...

He bend down taking her in his arms..


He caress her hair..

Naksh-Keerti..kyu aayi tum beech me..haan...

Tears rolled down from his eyes seeing her in pain...

She put her hand on his cheek...

Keerti- Naksh Iisten to me...

She is breathing heavily...

Naksh- Keerti please calm down...please...

She hold his hand..

Keerti-Naksh mujhe kuch kehna hai...

Naksh- yes we will talk..

Keerti- Naksh listen to me...I love you...

He look at her shocked...

A goon come near them and about to hold Keerti hand..

Naksh hold his hand and look at him angrily...

He twist his wrist...

He put Keerti down carefully..

Goon writh in pain..Naksh got up kick that goon..

His eyes is blood shot red...

Naksh- how dare you to touch her?

Two goons hold Naksh from behind..he punched them hard on their faces..

One goon hit on his forehead with hockey stick..

Two goons come from back and break glass bottles on his leg and back...

Keerti look at him shocked..

Naksh fall down on road with a jerk...


Naksh look at her..

Her eyes is half opened...she is getting unconscious..

They are about to hit him again..


Naksh turn and kick them with force..

He got up and started beating them hard...

One goon is going near Keerti with rod and about to hit on her head again..

Naksh hold his arm tightly and took rod in his hand..he  hit him hard...

Naksh took rod and beat them brutally they all run away...

Naksh throw rod on road in anger...

Naksh turn and look at her...

He run toward her...He bend down and take her in his arms..

Naksh- Keerti get up...Keerti..

He Pat lightly on her face...

Naksh- Keerti please...utho..

He hold her hand and rub it in his palm..her hand fall down from his hand...

Keesh- The Revenge Story(completed)Where stories live. Discover now