22• {Bonus chapter}

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Bonus song for the day is gonna be....

Filter- BTS Jimin

Jungkook smirked as Jackson groans seeing that he lost to him again.

"Ha! 20 bitch." Jungkook puts his hand out waiting for the money. Jackson sighs digging in his pocket pulling out 20 dollar bill.

"What are y'all- woah Jackson lost didn't he?" Jimin ask while walking in the living room. Jungkook smirks proudly when Jackson mumbles something handing the money in his hand. Jungkook smiles and sticks his hand out.

"Nice doing business with you Jackson hyung, Next time I'll try to go easy on you." With that Jungkook stands up walking in the kitchen.

"I never shook his hand.." jackson says tilting his head a little making Jimin laugh patting his back sitting down next to him on his phone. Later on that day everyone is sitting in the living laughing and having a good time eating. 

"How's the kids kook?" Taehyung ask while getting another piece of chicken. Jungkook nods a little wiping his mouth.

"They are somewhat..weird I mean I could say they get that shit from amber but." Y/n laughs a little and nods know that's her best friend all right. "Princess and YeonJun fight like 24/7 which doesn't make since half of the time because most of the time they are ganging up on me." Jungkook says and Namjoon shakes his head drinking his beer slowly.

"That's called condoms next time." Jimin mumbles making everyone laugh.

"I don't think I have used a condom you know?" Jackson says after a while making Jungkook nod at him.

"Yeah I think after amber and I got married we pretty much haven't used a condom since..since well yeonjun." He says and takes another bite of rice.

"So y'all been having sex but pulling out?" Jimin questions making Jungkook shake his head.

"No sex at all?" Namjoon ask and Jungkook nods making all the men in the room eyes widen.

"How the hell do you do it?" Eric ask. (a new friend by Seokjin) Jungkook just shrugs laying back a bit.

"I think it's because of the kids really, I mean I'm busy from the time I wake up to the time I get home and so is amber so we haven't had time to even get a quickie in before you got little old yeonjun running up the stairs because of his sister." Jungkook finishes off and Jin looks at his wife.

"Are we like that?" he ask confused making Y/n push him slightly and handing Yoongi some
more chicken.

"You know good damn well we aren't like that idiot, we have one damn child and he's fucking 16 now and a damn handful what makes you think we are like Jungkook when he's kids is fucking 9 and damn 5." She growls the alcohol taking a affect. Jin stares at her his eyes widen and then looks at the glass of red wine in her hand, he looks back up at her then back at the cup. He quickly takes it out her hands and puts it to his lips taking it like a shot.

"What the hell hyung." Namjoon looks at his brother confused. Y/n blinks at her husband and then tilts her head and then looks at Jungkook then back at her husband.

"Uhh why you do that?" She ask, Jin shrugs.

"You talking crazy had to take it away you had to much." Hobi laughs at that.

"You aren't use to how she talked to you huh? Been there and done that you should of seen how she cussed out Hueningkai that one day, man wasn't that some funny shit." Namjoon nods chuckling a little. They all had good memories together. The memories they could keep forever.

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