Just another day

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Y/N: so where's Olivia went? I didn't see her this whole day.

Me and lightning are walking from the landing dock.

Lightning: Wondering around Vale perhaps.

Y/N: that girl....

Lightning: well it's kinda her thing you know, she's easy to get bored so...

Y/N: well, I can relate to her somehow.

Lightning: (chuckle)

Suddenly we heard something sound like metal clashing and students begin running towards the sound.

Y/N: (groan) what is it now??

Lightning: let's go check it out.

We run towards the group and slowly make our way through.

Y/N: the hell?

In the middle of the circle two person are fighting each other. One of them kinda look like Weiss.

Speaking about her I see her and Ruby on the other side of the makeshift arena.

Y/N: hey light? Do you think we need to....

I look at my side and saw that she already charging towards the pair.

Y/N: (sigh)

I summon a longsword and walked towards them.

Third POV.

Winter and Qrow are so focused on their fight, they doesn't noticed another participants are entering the fight.

Lightning: hyaaaaa!!

She leap towards them, her sword raised high.

Winter: tsch!

Qrow: shit!

They're forced to disengage and jumped back.

Qrow: oi! What the big idea?

Winter: how dare you interrupt us!

Lightning: both of you need to stop! You're endangering the students and caused an unneeded commotion.

Qrow: hmph, she started it!

Weiss: excuse me? You're the one who suddenly showed up and start wrecking stuff

She pointed at the decapitated Droid.

Qrow: like I said, I only see them as garbage. I just do everyone a favor and dispose them.

Lightning, Qrow and winter are now at a stand off.

Y/N: hey hey guys, can't we just lay down our weapon and just talk about this like a civilised person?

They turn towards Y/N who is walking towards them.

Ruby: Y/N??

Y/N: hey.

He then looked at them.

Y/N: so?

Lightning: very well

Winter: agree.

Qrow: wait, aren't you Y/N Nikos?

Y/N: hmm?

Qrow: You're the one who dated my niece!!

Y/N: w-w-wait! Niece?

He turned towards Ruby, who's laughing awkwardly.

Y/N: (gulp)

Qrow: now this is interesting!

He charges towards Y/N.

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