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   2030 - the Doomsday Era. The world failed to evolutionize and the earth couldn't be saved from pollution and corruption. Worse, another cold war began. Russia blamed America for what's been happening then America retorted back to him with the same thing. It then escalated into something worse. Both America and Russia began taking over their sides of the world.

Europe, half of Africa and half of Asia belonged to Russia; while as the other half of the world belonged to America.

Many countries were torn in half - like Philippines for example. Philippines was annexed by both America and Russia and became divided like how Germany was back in WW2. Philippines became the property of Russia, while as Martial - who handled Mindanao - became the property of America. And as for Visayas? He was split apart into the North and the South.

But of course, Switzerland stayed neutral and tried handling problems on his own; while as Australia and New Zealand did the same.

Until one day, the world found about some sort of special inter-galactical machinery - in which they called the "Artifact". It was said to be of great power and was believed to be the end of all of the world's problems.

And so, both America and Russia did everything to find that "Artifact"

It was the ultimate task that could make them be crowned the true hero of this world. The one who will save this world from mass destruction. With the use of their many slaves and proxies, the search is on.

The search for ultimate power.

"Is this the end of the world - or just the beginning of a new civilization?"

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