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It didn't take long for Lan Zhan to return with two people he assumed to be the doctor he was talking about.
"This is Wen Qing and her assistant Wen Ning." Lan Zhan introduced the woman and younger man next to her. The woman looked to be a part of the tiger tribe while the man had the features of a deer??
"This is your omega? The rabbit tribe is pretty far from here, how did he get here?" Wen Qing said as she went up to Wei Ying with a basket fill with just about everything she may need as a doctor.
"Mn. Found him cornered by some alphas of the dog tribe." Lan Zhan said and Wen Qing scoffed.
"The dog tribe is a eye sore. They try to break the natural law. Omega choose their Alpha(s) and a Alpha can only ever be with one omega. It's absolutely foolish that they try to go against this." Wen Qing explained as she examined Wei Ying.
"Hm... after looking him over he seems to be a bit malnourished so you should feed him nuts and potatoes. You can also feed him red meats and salmon but the bunny tribe tends to avoid eating meat." Wen Qing said instructing Lan Zhan.

While the two were discussing the best course of action, Wei Ying smiled as the one who came with Wen Qing approached him.
"Y-You're very pretty..." Wen Ning stuttered shyly, his cheeks bright red.
"Hehe really? You're the first person to tell me that."
Wei Ying said making some old memories surface.

Although there had been murmurs when he arrived, none of them said anything to his face. Even in his world no one had told him that. He had only heard scrutiny from his peers, whether it be about his personality or career choice or Madam Yu's fury about his very existence ever since Uncle Jiang died. He wonders if anyone other than Jiang Yanli even mourned his death.

Wei Ying was abruptly snapped out of his thoughts when he felt Wen Ning hug him gently. Wei Ying's expression visibly softened even as Wen Ning nuzzled into his neck. A blush crept up his face and he couldn't help but think


However the moment was ruined when Lan Zhan yanked Wen Ning off of him.
"Mine." Lan Zhan growled out and what surprised Wei Ying was Wen Ning growled back, although it looked much less threatening.
"H-He didn't reject m-my affections, i-it's his choice as a omega n-not yours." Wen Ning stuttered, obviously struggling to argue with Lan Zhan.

It was then that it hit Wei Ying that this world was mostly based off primal instincts not reason. Wei Ying felt that omega were the females of this world and alpha are the males.
"My brother is right. If he wants both of you as mates then you both are free to accept." Wen Qing said as she handed something wrapped to Wei Ying.

Both Wen Ning and Lan Zhan looked at him expectantly with that. Wei Ying realized at this point he had accidentally 'flirted' with the two. Perhaps when Lan Zhan said he was bringing him to the tribe it meant more than safety. Not only that he hugged nuzzled into Lan Zhan's fur. He also had let Wen Ning hug and comfort him to the point where Wen Ning started nuzzling into his neck.

"I like... both...?" Wei Ying said and flushed at the thought that he had just said he liked them both. He had nothing against poly relationships but he had never really thought about being in one.

Before Wei Ying knew it he was being hugged by the two alphas. Wen Ning hugged him from behind while Lan Zhan hugged his front. Wei Ying blushed as he heard what sounded like purring coming from both of them.
"Ok you two, you've scented him long enough.
A-Ning, you need to come with me too see a few other patients and then you can come back here ok?" Wen Qing said and just like that Wen Ning reluctantly let go of him.
"Alright, JieJie" Wen Ning said and looked at Wei Ying one last time before leaving with Wen Qing.

Lan Zhan let go of Wei Ying, "going out to get food." Lan Zhan said he left too. Now that Wei Ying was alone and not basically being swaddled between two alphas bodies he opened the wrapped package that Wen Qing gave him. Inside was what looked like tea leaves however when he smelt it, it smelled extremely bitter. Wei Ying figured he could ask Wen Ning what it was when he came back.

Wei Ying figured this was a good time to think and so first things first, he looked under his clothes and everything seemed the same as his world but it's not like he can check further than his appearance. While thinking about appearances he remembered he saw marks on a lot of alphas faces. Do they mean something? Wen Ning and Wen Qing had two and Lan Zhan had three. He hasn't seen anyone with more than Lan Zhan, the only person even close was Lan Zhan's brother who also had three marks.
Maybe they were a symbol of power? Wei Ying thought since most people seemed to respect Lan Zhan.

Wei Ying heard the door open and looked over to see Lan Zhan holding a basket filled with vegetables, fruit and nuts of all kinds.
"Didn't know what you liked... so I got lots of different food." Lan Zhan said and Wei Ying smiled brightly, "thank you Lan Zhan."
Wei Ying could see the pink that dusted Lan Zhan's ears but ignored it as he looked at the stuff in the basket. A lot of it was fruits, vegetables and nuts he had never seen before Wei Ying picked up one of the fruits he recognized which was dragon fruit but stared at it for a moment as he realized he didn't know how to eat it without a knife to open it.

Wei Ying looked to Lan Zhan for help, "I can't open it..."
Lan Zhan didn't say anything as he took the fruit and  easily opened it with his hands
"There." Lan Zhan said as he gave the two half's of the fruit back to Wei Ying.
"The other half is for you." Wei Ying said and smiled only taking one half.
The ears of Lan Zhan were slightly pink as he ate the fruit and Wei Ying couldn't help but giggle at the sight.

How cute!

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