Chapter 22 - Fresh

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(Y/N)'s POV
Fresh explained to us the whole situation, it seems like Fresh was annoying Error so much that Error lost his cool and tried attacking Fresh and now, we're here. I decided to take Fresh to my universe since Error may be looking around for him and I rather not have an encounter with Error today. I gave Sci a goodbye hug and brought Fresh into my universe; Fresh seemed really thrilled and interested in my universe and looked around the library.

"Do you wanna read about your universe?" Fresh became silent, I walked up to him. "... Fresh? Is there something wrong?"

I was about to touch his shoulder but he quickly turned around, "Nah, bra!" He startled me, "Ah, didn't mean to scare you, baby."

"It's fine..." Fresh continued to look around the library and I took my chance to look for Fresh's book. After some searching, I finally found it. I grabbed it from the shelf and when I turned around, Fresh was right in front of me, scaring me once again. "Fresh! W-What's up?" I put the book behind my back.

"C'mon, babe, I ain't gonna bite you. Why're ya all tensed up? Are you hurtin'?"

I giggled nervously, No! Not at all... you see," I paused for a second, "I need to use the bathroom!"

I quickly teleported away into my bathroom and locked the door. I don't know if it's me, but Fresh seems a bit uneasy when I asked him about his book. Maybe there's something embarrassing written or something of that matter. I opened the book and read through the first page; 'Fresh is a parasitic monster that takes someone's soul as a host to survive.' I closed the book, did I read that right? I reopened the book and reread it again and continued on.

Fresh is completely lacking in emotions and incapable of love. He has a lax attitude and tends to be a very 'go with the flow' type of personality. Most of this is due to his lack of caring for basically anything. He has an extreme baseline fear of 'not existing', so he continues to 'survive' by moving from host to host. He does not kill his victims, preferring to leave as many bodies 'open' as possible for possible infection later. Fresh is very 'PC', he digs PSA's and is not a fan of swear words, as he will censor people almost always. He is also woefully oblivious of his own words and actions sometimes, he very much likes to be a 'totes rad broseph' but is blunt to a fault and will blurt out the truth before he thinks of what he's saying.

Then there was a knock, "Yo yo, you doing good in there?" I teleported the book back to its shelf.

I unlocked and opened the door, then hugged Fresh, "Fresh..."

"What's good, babe?"

I pulled away and put my hand on his cheek, there was a tint of blush on his cheeks. Fresh is quite strange, even reading about him, there are so many questions I had for him and this 'parasite' inside him. I placed my hand on his other cheek and moved closer to him, "Is it alright if I take off your sunglasses?" Fresh was hesitant but I took them off anyways.

His eyes were honestly beautiful; there was a purple glow around his eye sockets, his soul was in one eye socket while his pupil was in the other. Fresh blushed more as I gazed into his eyes, "I didn't want you to see me like this..." He mumbled.

"Even so, I think seeing you like this doesn't change anything... and I apologize for reading your book, I couldn't help it."

He took my hand, "It's all good in the hood, baby..." He smiles.

I pulled away and gave him back his sunglasses, "Is it alright if I ask you some things?" He nods, "Love... I think it's important that you experience love, from platonic to romantic. Maybe something like that can help you be something you want to be... because the parasite may drain you completely, I'm honestly not sure. But like, right now, our relationship is platonic, correct?"

He thought for a bit, "Nah, baby... I think you're too fine for us to be that low."

I giggled, "Is that so, Fresh?" Suddenly, I felt a chill down my spine, "There's something wrong..." I muttered. I teleported into my library and searched around to what was off, then there it was, underswap. What? Something wrong with underswap? Of all places... I shook my head and teleported back to Fresh, "I have something important to do right now," I kissed his forehead, "Please be safe when you leave, Error may still be looking for you..."

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