Chapter 1, The moon.

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It has been a couple of days since Skadi and Grani had left the village, they had walked through the desert of BłędówKa and reached ashore where they set up camp. The crackling of a fire as the sun was descending into night. The two sat on logs Skadi had cut down to use beforehand and was cooking fish which was impaled on a stick, cooking over the burning fire. On the other side of Skadi was Grani who was eating a slice of apple pie. Cleaning her mouth, Grani set her eyes on the hunter who was staring at the fish she was cooking. "so, where are we going now?" she asked. Skadi's eyes flickered upwards, her eyes lighting up by the fire, and stared into the eyes of the Kuranta before the went back to the fish. "we are going back to Rhodes Island. But before we can do that, we need to head into the town close from here," she explained and pulled the now grilled fish close to her mouth, blowing on it to cool it down before taking a bite out of it.

"why though? Cant we just go back to Rhodes?" Grani asked with curiosity, a tilt to her head. Again, the eyes of the hunter flickered up and this time she had her gaze set on the female and retracting her food away from her mouth. She chewed the meat in her mouth shallowed before speaking. "no, we need new bandages for your wound, I wasn't expecting to be hurt so I didn't bring much." This got an Oh from the Kuranta before blushing, twirling her fingers and tilted her head down.

"A-Although, do we have to share the same tent? I have my own, you know... it's kinda lewd, isn't it?" Grani said stuttered out, whispering to herself the last part. Skadi rose an eyebrow, feigning ignorance even though she heard the last part perfectly with her sensitive ears. "no, we are sharing the same tent because we are in a free for all zone. bounty hunters or any other that will cause us trouble, its free game here so it's better for both of us stay in the same tent because of this." the hunter explained Grani nodded at the explanation and understanding the reason... though.. something in heart thoughts wanted to be different. She shook her head of the thought and noticed that they had eaten enough. Grani stood up and so did the hunter who drew a rune in the air before water poured down from the rune onto the fire, ending its blaze. Grani was curious about the runes, and she never did ask what they were.

"Hey, Skadi what was that? The thing you just did."

"My runes?" Skadi asked

"Yeah, those." Skadi hummed, not being prepared for the question since she doesn't use the runes often, nor has anyone been with her seen her use them. So, she decided to hummer the female. "alright, I can tell you inside the tent."


Grani's ears twitched as the rustling of clothes and thee unzipping of the tent woke her up. Her eyes groggily opened and looked around inside the tent, rubbing her eyes to take the sleep off them. The cold breeze of the wind outside entered the tent from the opening. Grani turned her head to where the hunter should be sleeping but found an empty sleeping bag instead. Her ears picked up the sound of singing? She got curious and put on the rest of her clothes before heading out of the tent.

The Kuranta turned her gaze onto the clear ocean shore, the night sky filled with stars. The water glowed on the night, stars reflecting on the surface. She heard the humming louder and she recognized the voice in an instant. Her gaze turned, spotting a figure oh so familiar to her. The figure sat on a large rock, big enough for multiple people, her gaze on the ocean and sky, the pale moonlight reflecting both her crimson eyes, those that looked like they were in a trance gazing towards the moon, and silver hair that shined in the light. "Skadi," she whispered, like a small breeze in the wind, and an affectionate smile graced her face. Skadi looked beautiful the Kuranta thought and Hearing her name, The Hunter turned her head and greeted the Kuranta with a blank expression when sighting the female. "hey, Grani... didn't know you were up." the hunter asked, her voice soft like that of soothing and gentle waves, and yet, still monotone.

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