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Sammy's pov

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Sammy's pov

"hey, leave her alone alright? she doesn't need your negativity and ugliness around her right now." i tell donna as she tried talking to jellybean. "she just lost her brother, donna. this isn't the time." betty adds with a sigh.

"oh, come on, betty. you and i both know this is all an act." donna rolls her eyes and laughs.

"it definitely will be when i kick your-" betty cuts me off. "bitch, i'm done with you. let's go." betty and i both began to push donna away from the casket and towards the front door.

"do it, bret. do it!" donna yells which was confusing until we all realized what she meant.

he rushed over to the casket and cried opening it but was stopped by sweet pea who grabbed him harshly by his shirt.

"what the hell do you think you're doing?" i heard sweet pea ask bret as he grabbed him. "ever heard of keeping your hands to yourself?" i walked towards the two and pushed bret as sweet pea gripped him by the collar of his shirt.

"she told me to, you heard her." he tried to make himself look innocent,

"you preppies don't know when to quit." archie approached us and looked like he was about to strike at bret, sweets looked the exact same way.

"okay, calm down, guys. he's not worth it." betty told them. "he was leaving, anyways." she adds. me, sweets and arch pushed bret away at the same time which almost made him fall to the ground.

"donna, control your little pet, okay? he seems to have lost his cool." betty says as the preppies walk out of the house.


"well today was eventful." i spoke as i sipped my milkshake. "it's going to be more eventful for the next few weeks since jughead isn't even dead. i hope those preppies get what they deserve." sweet pea scoffs as he stuffs a fry into his mouth.

"what are you gonna do after high school?" he asks randomly. "um i'm pretty sure i'm going to a community college back in seaside. it's pretty nice and i can actually make a living in that town." i answered honestly.

"and after that? you gonna find a guy and marry him? possibly have a kid or two?" he asks as he quirks a brow.

my stomach drops at the idea of getting pregnant... again. i don't know if i'm capable to get pregnant again or to even have a baby in general, it's something i've always wanted but it scares me so much.

"haven't thought about that stuff much." i shrugged and lied straight to his face. "i know you're lying." my heart drops at his words.

"you're scared to even fall in love again aren't you?" i become less tense at his assumptions. "possibly. you'll never know." i lightly laugh.

we sit in silence for a little bit and ate in comfortable silence. after i began to mess with the beads on the bracelet benny gave me on my birthday.

god i miss him so much.

"do you still think about him?" sweet pea looks at my bracelet then at me, referring to benny. "sometimes. i hope he's doing okay right now, he deserves to be happy." i smiled at the thought of seeing benny happy.

"so do you." sweet pea said. "i am happy." i slightly lied.

"not without him." as if on cue the bell rings from the door, reggie and a few other bulldogs walk into pop's. when i turned around reggie was already looking my direction.

i remember when i saw him for the first time, it was exactly like this. i was in the same booth, we made eye contact in the same place for the first time, it's all coming back.

i don't know if it's a sign of some sort, but i can't do anything because he has a girlfriend. yes, she's a bitch but no one deserves to get cheated on.

"so are you gonna go talk to him or what?" i snapped out of my thoughts by sweet pea's voice. i turned around and faced him, he had a playful smirk on his lips.

"i choose or." i replied with sarcasm in my voice. "fuck you, sam." he scoffs.

"right back at you, sweets."

"but seriously talk to him. it's pretty obvious that something is still there for you both and it's not healthy to keep it bottled up. eventually, one or both of you are going to get hurt and ruin everything." for once sweet pea actually made sense.

"since when did you become smart?" i asked. "since i realized people are really stupid and it started to get really sad so i decided to help them out." he shrugs and sips his milkshake.

"go! now! run!" he whisper yells at me and points to reggie.

i flicked him off before standing up from the booth and walking to where reggie and his friends were sitting.

"hey, uh can we talk?" i ask nervously. "definitely, yeah..." reggie answered immediately. his friends were whispering to each other and giggling, i was starting to feel embarrassed.

"shut up you bozos." reggie said which made them shut up. me and reggie walked outside to the parking lot. we were walking slowly as well.

"sooo..." i said nervously. "sooo...." he replies.

"those rumors about jughead are crazy right? the dude is a legend for pulling the most epic senior prank ever." reggie laughs. "yeah. he's definitely something." i laughed knowing reggie was right.

it got quiet between us again, i decided to bring up football but he cut me off and stopped me.

"i can't do this." he states.

"what?" i asked very confused and looked up at him.

before he could explain what he meant, the screeching of tires was heard throughout the parking lot. a car pulled up to us, a car i was familiar with.

"get in. we have a big problem." jasmine rolled down her window and demanded.

"what problem?" i asked.

she didn't say anything which scared me. she looked at me with wide eyes and then looked over a reggie. automatically i knew whatever it was he couldn't hear it.

"i'm gonna go. see you later."

i hoped into the car and we took off. jasmine was such a hurry for some reason and a panic.

"what's wrong?" i asked her.

"i don't know how. i don't know who but..." she trailed off.

"but what?" i was getting impatient.

as she drives she reaches for her purse and pulls out a letter, it was some sort of serial killer letter too.

"what does it mean?" i asked her.

"someone knows about your miscarriage."


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