To stars I wish upon

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You walked on me again and again
And I waited for you day and day.
No way I knew you buried your feelings
Deep inside where nothing seemed right.
To stars, I looked upon with hope of light,
Passing through clouds infinite.
I made a wish that waited for none.
Blue night sky with filtering wishes sent from the ground,
I kept on searching for mine.
I loved you but I lost you forever,
One mistake to change what forever was written into dust that never settled.
The luminaries of the great universe led with no one in command for the ones that are fallen.
It was too late to wait for which is not coming,
So my eyes shut with tears sealing it into one.
A glimpse of her rewinding all the great memories for one last time,
My body couldn't be stopped and was a victim to the unbalanced gravity.
A great fall,
Lesson learned but not unwind.
To stars, I wish upon
Find me when horizon hits the deck and light which comes from hearts that love.
For my body which is never to be found,
I am with the light that shines above her head.
No one to be known but a lover of past stuck forever a million miles away.
-Mohammed Nidal

To stars I wish uponWhere stories live. Discover now