(12) You Are Mean

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Maddox || Aurielle

Maddox || Aurielle

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You confuse me.

Hello to you too.

Sorry, hey.

How are you?


Well, I'd know if you're lying.

I highly doubt it.

Just tell me, how are you?

I'm fine.

What happened?

I literally just said I'm fine.

I literally just asked you what happened.

I'm starting to get used to you.


'Cause I'll be hanging around a lot.

I would say I don't know whether to be happy or sad.

But let me guess-

You can't 'cause you're already sad?

How did you know I was going to say that?

It's easy. I just think of a good reply to a question and say the exact opposite.

You are mean.

And a lot more.

I have no life. Tell me about yourself.

 Tell me about yourself

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