3: Arrival

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A/N- Before you read!

Every time something is written with italics and in the middle means that HeeYoung is daydreaming or remembering events.

Do I want to keep living?

My heart beats faster at the thought. I look down my lap, my hands hold each other.

Well, maybe the king just acts cold to not show any weaknesses... maybe he is a caring and loving kitten in the inside... I just need to find this part of him... the part that will show me all his love, his care for me. Maybe if I do everything as he wants me to he will start to appreciate me, finally stopping hating me deeply as he seems to do.

"Why is your heart beaten so fast all of a sudden?" The king asks irritated.

"I am s-sorry," I answer. He groans annoyed which scares me.

Hold on, how can he know that my heart is beating fast?

I inhale and exhale quietly calming my heart. I'm officially afraid of this man and I should be. My hopes of him being different have disappeared. Sadness invades me... what was I expecting? I don't think I will be lucky enough to have that type of story.

I should start to just wait for it... people in fairytales always are cold at the start and then they show their loving sides... the sad part here is that this is real life and real-life can get very bitchy.


Days have passed by, and things aren't changing a bit, which is good because things can only get worse from here between the king and I. We haven't spoken nor exchange any words, I limit myself to look down, not to his face once even if my entire soul is screaming at me to do it. I'm sure he will feel my gaze, look at me and say something horrible to me, I can feel it.

I'm surprised how far we have traveled, I'm almost sure his kingdom has never been heard in my side.

This trip has been mentally tiring, I have never had to be quiet and stiff for so long. I prefer to fall asleep so I don't have to know the fact I'm in this carriage.

The king has not said anything to me ever since my heartbeat incident which calms me. I prefer him ignoring me even though it hurts so much. I wan his attention so bad, I want him talking to me or listening to me, I want his love... but I can't have any of that. I want to get out of this carriage and run free in any direction, I miss my parents, James, and Margaret so much, I miss everyone at my hometown... I miss playing the piano.

This is the start of a new life for me, a life I didn't expect to have. I always thought I would find a gentleman that would snatch my heart, woo me, and marry me... I guess things not always go as you think they will. '

I have created a new world in my head, one where the king does love me, one where I can see everyone I love whenever I want; a perfect world where everyone says what I want them to say, a place where all my loneliness disappears to be replaced by joy and happiness until something happens in the real world that makes everything disappears from my sight as easily as it came to bring me back to reality, the painful reality of being hated by the person supposed to love you.

I sight without making any noise, I lean back on the sit of the carriage and I space out.

"Oh hey HeeYoung," James said appearing in front of me with his big signature smile.

"Hi!" I say running to hug him."I wish I could really talk to you..." I say as I felt my sight start to get blurry.

"What do you mean? We are talking right now." I smile weakly at him while blinking fast trying to focus my eyes again.

"I really wish you were here protecting me from this good-looking king." I giggle a little bit at my comment.

"HeeYoung! I promised you I would be always here for you to protect you from anyone and anything! I'm not breaking my promise!"

I hug him tightly, I smell his scent... remembering what his hugs were like.

"I missed this so much," I say holding my tears back, James notices this.

"HeeYoung! You know I hate it when you cry! Come on princes, smile for me, you are beautiful when you smile." I look up him, with a big smile on my face, I analyze all his features, we resemble each other a lot, to the point people ask if we are twins but that can not be because James is two years older than me.

The king suddenly clearing his throat pulls me put of my perfect world.

I look up, finding out that he's looking at me expecting me to hear him out.

"We are about to arrive; you'll be given a room and won't be allowed to get out of it until dusk so no one will see you; if you try to escape I'll find you and will make you regret it the rest of your insignificant life."

"Understood..." I say looking back down.

The carriage starts to slow down, my heart starts to beat like crazy, I am scared of what is going to happen next.

The carriage starts to slow down, my heart starts to beat like crazy, I am scared of what is going to happen next

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