reupload-Bonus chapters

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This is like my 15th reupload of this but I just like to ask. Sorry, there will probably be more.

Hey guys, can you leave me all the possible bonus chapters you guys want to read?

Just comment here or on me and I got you guyssss.

It's kinda hard to organize them all and I don't know what BC is in demand more.

Thanks soooo muccch yalls, looking forward to your requestssss.

ALSO!!! My book Psycho is now out on my profile. The chapter is out now on Inkitt and Dreame.

If you like a story about a crazy girl and a crazy guy, obsessively in love with each other while killing people, that's definitely your book.

Check it out in the links on my bio and Conversations! Please and thankssssss. The first chapter will be out on Wattpad by tmr.

ALSOOOOO My new book "Dealing with a Devil" is now out. Go check it out!!!

Shameless plug but I might've just put you guys on. Read it and stay clean kids.


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