23. Realization

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Kira's POV;

 I laid on the floor with a rogue some inches away from me. Its blood thirsting eyes glared at me with its greatest authority, I smelt death at a distance and I knew it. My heart went cold and all I could think of was the image of my parents.... it is because of them my parents are no more, as much as I was filled off with anger, I still felt useless... why stop it... why try...this would come any day soon...

"Kira get away from there!!!" commanded Keith as I saw tears drip from his eyes, crying for me?? I smiled at the other, my faith still intact. 

"Kira please listen!! leave!!" demanded Diana with fear threatened eyes. 

I cant believe that... this is it... the end of my life... I didn't want my heart to beat, but... I wanted to beat for a family that I'd miss dearly. The moon shun so bright and my eyes shifted to it, I knew I had the powers to relieve me of this, but... I didn't know how to, I am too weak... and even if I did... I wouldn't... my smile went wider and much more happiness flown within, tears streamed like rivers competing. I tilted my head towards the people in the corner, my smile slowly disappearing with the thought really coming to me. 

"You know... When leaves fall off a tree... it means they've stayed a bit too long... the same goes to flowers....when you are given a bundle of roses, you keep them dearly... but you should know that no matter how well you keep them... they'd one day grow out of color... a page written of many words would eventually run out of space...." I said with a tear leading its way by the side of my cheeks. The others were crying too... it hurts to see the people you love shed tears....its also painful to see someone whom you love leave you... I know how it feels.... but... they'd get over it right? 

"NO...we wouldn't" said Bekie. Her eyes went green and I watched as she stared directly at the rogue. Whispering a pile of words, Bekie pointed her hand towards it and out of no where it began to whimper. If she did that an hour ago, I wouldn't have been convinced that I was gonna die. I looked right behind Diana and there it was, a deadly rogue...my eyes glittered with tears seeing as Diana looked back to see it. My heart was keeping edge. I speeded up pouncing at the blood thirsting rogue as we both tumbled. At the center of the room where everyone was focused. The guards powered down and eager to save me but couldn't. 

Trying to bite me, the wolf began snapping its teeth at me, luckily it missed.

" YOU CAN HURT ME. BUT NOT MY FAMILY!!" I spat back kicking it off of me with a great strength a didn't know I had. 

I tackled the wolf punching and scratching of its fur. The rogue probably thought I was weak, it kept tempting me to transform, as if... it was here for... little did I know...it was only distracting me.

"Kira look out!!!!" warned the others, I looked at the other rogue behind me as it pounced at me rendering me powerless.

Wanting and trying to be set free... I couldn't.. something strange struck me.... the rogue scraped my neck, I screamed oozing in pain with tears of pain.

I tried reaching out for help but... the rogue stepped on my wrist, its weight cracking my bones every second....

"Kira NO!!!" Diana cried out as I was seen crying, the memory of my life....flashing before my eyes... my time running short as it scratched my left cheek.

The pain...my parents felt...so heartless...so cruel..

" I -- if anything happens.. I ..." I started panting, "just--w--want you t--to know t--that I--I l--love you guys...ple--please forgive m--me.." I said with more tears pouring out as blood dripped from my shoulder.

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