The One Where They Are Trapped

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''She does this all the time, right?'' a dark skinned boy asked, looking at the Bennett witch as she chanted.

We all sat in one of the classrooms, trying to find the way to break the spell that Esther put upon us.
''What's taking so long?! All boundary spells have a loop hole.'' Nik asked leaning on the back of the chair that I sat on, he started to rub my shoulders gently .
The young witch looked at him, but before she  could say anything a boy, Matt walked inside.

''People are walking right out of the dance, past the barrier.'' he explained.
''Matt and I can leave, we can stop Esther ourselves. We just gotta find out where she is.'' Elena's younger brother spoke, and I rolled my eyes.
''Yeah...Great idea.'' I said sarcasticaly.

''It's suicide, Jeremy.'' Stefan said.

Few moments later, Nik rushed towards the boy that stood next to the witch and started to strangle him.
''Niklaus!'' I stood up,angerly.
''Suicide would be disappointing me! Now work your magic, witch, or I'll start killing people you fancy.'' he spoke to her,ignoring me completely.
''Let him go!'' she hissed.
''Not until you get us out of here.'' he said calmly.
''Niklaus! Let the boy go! '' I walked to him.
''Ah, don't be stupid, Klaus. Bonnie doesn't give a damn about us. The only reason she's helping us right now is to save Caroline and Tyler. You start killing the people she cares about, she'll tell us all to go to hell.'' Stefan said, looking in between Bonnie and Klaus.
''Nik...'' I walked to him, releasing the boy from his grip.

Few moments later, Damon, Nik and I stood next to a witch that tried to do the locator spell.
''You are failing.'' I rolled my eyes, looking at the Gilbert blood on the map that hadn't moved since she started.
''Esther is fighting me.'' she said, in disableaf.
''Esther couldn't possibly have this much power. Unless she's channelling something.'' Niklaus said, looking at the map.
''A hotspot?'' Bonnie asked.

''Get the humans ready. I know where she is.'' 


I sat outside, near the spell boarder waiting for the humans to kill Esther and the witch to break the spell.
I stood alone, putting my hand on the boundary. 
''Ahhhh...'' I put hands over my head.

''This is not what you want Ric!'' doppelganger yelled.
''I don't know what I want Elena!'' he said, drinking the blood from the cup.

''Oh my god! What the hell.'' I said quietly to myself.

''You know this is your fault. You set us on this path when you released my mother. I wonder if revenge will prove worth the cost.'' I heard the voice of my husband as he walked outside with the younger Salvatore.
''Oh, I'm done with revenge. As far as Esther; we've stopped her before, we'll stop her again.'' Stefan said, eyeing me closely as the stood next to me.

''We're strange bedfellows, you and I. You know, all of this, reminds me of our time together in the Twenties.''Nik said to him, standing in between us.
''You say that like I'm supposed to have happy memories about it.'' Stefan rolled his eyes.
''Well, there were moments. Real friendship. Brotherhood.'' Nik spoke.

''Well, he already has a brother. Not to be, you know, territorial or anything.'' Damon said as he walked towards us.
''Oh no, of course, the Salvatores. And their unshakeable bond. I wonder what'll happen when Elena finally makes her choice. Will we see you shake just a little bit?'' Niklaus teased.

''You can have my brother if you let me...'' Damon reached his hand towards me but  Niklaus stopped him.
''Don't test me.'' he squeezed his hand.
''Nik...leave him be. I can protect myself.'' I rolled my eyes watching as the young, dark skinned witch exited the school.

''It's done. Esther's not fighting me any more. The boundary spell is broken.'' 

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