Mother reader - red hood

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Now I'm going to start adding all the other robins into the mother reader one-shots, along with conner and they will all be her sons as well I will make sure to add one-shots on where they are entered into the book. 

It has been many months since you had lost your son Jason to the hands of the Joker, after a while, you released you had to be there for your other sons and husband. You had to make sure to be there for your sons who lost a brother, and for your husband's bruce, you had lost his son.

y/n" It a beautiful night right ace" you had taken ace on a walk with you to help clear your mind about, everything that has been going on for a while. Soon ace started to bark at something and you soon saw, a few red masks people running past you carrying bags of money. Ace soon runs after them and you soon chase after him. 

Y/n" ace come back" you soon find ace standing in the subway station you soon get over to him and give him a pat on the head. 

y/n" good boy but don't run off like that again" 

?????" are you lost miss" you soon see a guy wearing a red hood walking over to you, and right away you knew it was the man called the red hood. You had been hearing a lot from Bruce and the news that have been talking about him and his gang that wears a red mask. 

Y/n" hello" 

Red hood" well isn't it miss kent-Wayne" 


Red hood" I'm not going to hurt you miss" 

y/n" take off that helmet right now Jason" Jason soon stopped in his track and look straight at you. 

Red Hood" how could you tell mother" 

y/n" I know everything about all my children Jason" Jason soon takes off the helmet and you soon get to see his face. 

Y/n " I love the white part of your hair dear" 

Red hood" thank mom" 

y/n" I know you are giving your father a hard time young man... even your brothers as well" 

Red Hood" hey I have to do my best mom" 

y/n" oh Jason you are still the same boy" 

Red hood " No mother I have changed and chosen my own path in life, I will not follow fathers and everyone else" 

y/n" I know sweetie" 

Red Hood" I'm sorry I didn't come home sooner mom, but that place is no longer my home" 

y/n" I know sweetie but promise me you will live the life you, want to the fullest and maybe one day make peace with your fathers and brothers" 

Red Hood" I promise mom" 

y/n" now go before the cops show up" 

Red Hood " thank you mom" Jason soon placed his helmet back and turn around fast, he was about to get back on his motorcycle but he came running back to you and gave you a hug and you hugged him back. 

Red hood " I love you mom " 

Y/n" I love you too sweetheart take care of yourself" 

Red Hood" well do" Soon enough he was gone you saw him get onto his motorcycle and drove off, and you saw a few cops cars chasing after him. You knew your sons were no longer your babies anymore, and now they get to chose what they want to become. You knew you had to let go of them sooner and later, even it will break your heart see them grow up and become adults. 

You knew Bruce will be mad when here finds out you and had seen Jason and you didn't, message him to come to deal with your son. You were still going to protect your sons from their father and his way when it came to it. 

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