Chapter 5 - Desire

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Disclaimer: Mature Audiences Only!

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Angelo's POV

I stood at the entrance of the room staring into an ocean blue pair of eyes. Her hair was disheveled and knotted, yet they still held that shining golden texture. She had a bruise beginning to appear on the side of her jaw and just underneath her eye. There was blood dripping onto the ground behind her which I am assuming is coming from her hands that were tied behind the chair she was seated on. She had a rolled-up piece of cloth in her mouth, securely fastened around her head.

Her eyes never strayed from mine, which surprised me. She watched me closely as I studied her and the room around to see if she was alone. Her breathing was slightly heavy as she shifted in her seat, trying to loosen the ties around her legs.

One specific thing about everything that I just mentioned. He was a she... Her...

I took one step back and shut the door abruptly. I stood staring at the wooden frame for a bit before turning to face Vincenzo.

"What the fuck is that!?" I asked him wide-eyed as I pointed towards the room with my gun.

"Um... Your father's killer." He meekly replied.

"Mi scusi (excuse me)? That girl in there? That petite tiny girl? Half of my father's size? Half of my size... Killed someone, let alone the Capo (boss) of the Cosa Nostra (Sicilian Mafia)?" I gawked at him, bewildered by his words.

"Angelo, I am going by what I have been informed." He spoke innocently.

"Although, there is something you should know. Your father didn't go to America for a business meeting. He was there to carry out a hit." Vincenzo spoke calmly just as Gio and Kat walked into the basement.

Gio immediately analyzed the situation and studied my demeanor before placing his hand in front of Kat to prevent her from walking in further. He whispered into her ear prompting her to look at me and Vincenzo before nodding and heading back upstairs.

"A hit?" I repeated questionably.

"Her?" I pieced the pieces together, although I found the pieces not fitting into every crevice as it should be.

"Sì (yes)." He nodded and spoke softly.

"Who is she?" I tucked my gun into the back of my pants after engaging the safety lock.

"Carmen De Laurentiis, daughter of the Chicago Mob leader."

"I've heard of her. Isn't she completely oblivious to her father's business choices? Completely oblivious to the organized crime life?" I grabbed a bottle of water and downed half of it after speaking.

"That's correct." Vincenzo nodded as he answered.

She seemed frightened, yet too calm for someone who is completely unaware. I shook my head, unsure of whether any of this information hit true for me.

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