laughing stock

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Krystal PoV

I've called Jisoo so many times to pick me up but we were already running 10 minutes late. Just where was she?

A sports car pulled up to my driveway I guessed it was Jisoo but to my surprise Seulgi stepped out of the car

"Seulgi? What are you doing here"

"Jisoo's car broken down so she told me to pick you up"

"Wait since when were you friends with her?"

"Since I started dating her sister now come on let's get you going to the ball"

She eventually got me in her car and asked
"So how have you been?"

"Well I've been okay"

"Ah that's good to hear. The last time we talked was four years ago"

"That was because we stopped dating four years ago" I scoffed

"Ouch sounds like you're never gonna forgive me with what happened" she said "Anyways I actually forgot why you got mad at me?"

"It's because too many girls were flirting with you and you never found the time to see me. You also made out with Bae Joohyun who was two years older than you remember?"

"Oh yeah she's also my soon to be wife funnily enough" she laughed

I glared at her
"I despise you" I huffed

"Come on you literally treated me like your slave. I felt like you never loved me"

"Well that's your loss"

As I looked out the window finally my suffering has ended and I've arrived at the venue. I immediately got out of the car and looked at her

"I'll send an invite for the wedding" she winked

"I can't wait" I said filled with sarcasm and slammed the door

Jisoo's PoV

"Guys Seulgi just texted me that Krystal is coming!Lisa is everything in place?"


And just in time Krystal opened the door and a bucket filled with water fell on her


Everyone had their phones out laughing at her. Even her little minions were going against her.

I walked up to Krystal, bowed down and reached out my hand
"Would you like a dance?"

She just slapped my face and shouted "I can't believe you!"

"Ouch. Did you hear that everyone! She can't believe that I asked her to dance with me!"

I earned a laugh from the whole school and Krystal just stomped away in a fit

"She's gonna be the laughing stock for the whole year!" Lisa exclaimed

"Guys that was a bit mean" Roseanne spoke

"Babe it's what she deserves" Lisa slung her arm around her girlfriend

"I think I did say a bit much though" I said

"Nah Jisoo it was great" Lisa put her thumbs up

Jennie ran up to me and examined my face "Are you okay? I can't believe she slapped you!"

"I'm good Jennie"
She then started rubbing my red cheek in circles with her thumb with a worried look

"Are you sure you're fine?"

"One hundred percent. I literally don't feel anything"

"Okay" she was unsure

"Let's get dancing shall we?" I took my hand out for her

"With pleasure" Jennie places her hand in mine

hey guys i know we're all waiting for a comeback but please know that with the virus around we have to think about the girls safety so once this all goes away we will hopefully have a comeback but I am starting to get tired waiting for the girls to make a comeback once every year.

Please check out my new fanfic

Please check out my new fanfic

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