Single Dad

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Note: I know maybe you're waiting for me to continue My Mistake. But i wrote the whole thing yesterday and decided that it was too long and it became kinda boring also i don't like the ending. So i'm re-doing everything. Hopefully i can manage to get it to approximately 1300 words! And get to post it before Friday! While you wait. I have other inspiration! It's cute, i promise!

Having twin was never part of your plan. Especially when one is a girl and one is a boy. They might be twins, but they have two different personalities. Like 180% different. But you are grateful nonetheless. When you told your husband that you want to quit your 9 to 5 job, he told you that you love your work, and he won't let that happen. He also promise to stay in Boston more and if he has to leave to film, he will let you know at least a month before, so you can take paid leaves or organize a work from home. It all works out for the both of you.

Last week, the twins Claire and Charlie started their first school. Because you work for International companies, and there's a big project happening, you have to be at work way early than usual to make some International call. You can do that from home, but then the company won't reimburse for the expenses if you're using your homeland or cellphone. This leaves Chris to drive and pick them up from school these past week. Early in the morning you wake the twins and prepare some breakfast. After that you clean yourself up and get dressed, and once you're done, Chris and the twins are already sitting on the table eating their breakfast. You grabbed bread and make some peanut butter & jelly sandwich for the twins's lunch at school. With extra chocolate sprinkles for Claire.
"Alright, i gotta go now. Claire, Charlie, be nice, okay? I'll see you after school!" You kissed top of their head, "Don't forget to eat your lunch and drink water, okay loves?"
The twins nodded, still busy with their food, "okay mama" said Charlie.
Claire just nodded still chewing on her cereal. You turned to Chris that's currently on the phone. He hung up the phone and peck me, "I might be able to pick them up today. The project is doing great. Can we have lunch today too?" You wrapped your arms around Chris, his hands on your shoulder.
"Of course baby. I just need to see my agent for an hour after i drop the twins, then i'll see you at their school?" You nodded, kissing him on the lips one more time before heading out to your car.
As soon as Chris arrived at school, he couldn't find your car parked, he grabbed his phone to check on you and realized he got a text saying you're running 5 minutes later than the school's bell. Meaning you're not here yet. Chris walked to the school and saw the twins from the window, they're grabbing their school back pack and dragged the bag to the front door. Chris then greeted by the twins's teacher, Mikayla.
"Afternoon mr. Evans" she said smiling at Chris, with a little bit of flirt.
"Afternoon ms. Jensen" Chris returned the smile and saw his twins running to hug his leg, "hey babies! How's your school today?" He leaned to kiss each of their cheeks and got to their level. Claire yawned, rubbing her eyes and Charlie just shrugged. They look tired.
"Is it hard?" Mikayla said, adoring Chris talking to his kids. Chris looked up, his eyes meeting her eyes.
"What hard?"
"Being a single dad?" Mikayla shrugged and smiling at him, almost sympathetically.
Chris stand up and about to response to her when he heard Claire screaming, "mommy!"
Both Chris and Mikayla turned around to see you running in, your hair a little messy. As you heard Claire's voice, you jogged a bit to the twins.
"Hey you guys! I'm so sorry i'm late. How's school today?" You leaned down to peck each of their cheek. Charlie being the shy of the two just shrugged and Claire was just so excited to see her mom almost dropping her body to her mom. You stand up, grabbing Claire and holding Charlie's hand, walking to Chris and Mikayla. You can notice how Mikayla looks uncomfortable but you ignored and Chris leaned to you then kiss you, "sorry i'm late, love. I had a meeting"
Chris smiled grabbing Charlie, his head crooked to his dad's neck instantly, and Chris places his right hand on your back, "it's okay baby" Chris then turned to Mikayla, "oh this is miss Jensen. She's the twins's teacher" Chris turned to you, "and miss Jensen, this is Y/N, the twins's momma, my wife" he made sure he put pressure on the word wife.
You turned to see Mikayla and offered a hand, "hi! Thank you so much for looking out the twins. Hope they're not much a trouble!" Mikayla accepts it and shake your hand.
"They're definitely not. They're amazing and great! They're smart too! Nice to meet you by the way. I don't believe we met before!" Mikayla let go of your hand and smile sweetly at you.
"Ah yeah. I've been busy lately for work. This is the only time i can escape from it. But you'll be seeing more of me in the future! Oh and it's nice to meet you too, miss Jensen. Thank you again" you turned to see Chris, "shall we go now? The twins look exhausted"
Chris chuckled, "or being over dramatic" Chris turned to Mikayla, "it was nice seeing you miss Jensen. Thank you" he offered his sweet smile.
Mikayla turned to him, "you too mr. Evans. And i'm sorry for my previous assumption"
Chris smiled, "it's fine. See you. Say bye Miss Jensen, kids"
The twins waves their hand, "bye miss Jensen" and said in unison.
As you both walked to Chris's car, you turned to Chris, "what assumption you guys were talking about?"
Chris laughed and helped you put the kids in the backseat of the car, "apparently i can fit for a single dad!"
You laughed along with him, "i don't know whether i should be happy, proud, offended or mad" he opened the door car for you and kiss you slowly before closing the door.
"Be happy love. Always be happy"

Chris Evans ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now