Chapter 30

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The doctor had not wasted time, instantly assessing his patient. Taking note of a few bruises appearing on the Luna's body, finally satisfied with his findings, he made sure to cover her naked body with a blanket, then turning towards the Alpha, "Your mate is going to be okay..." He spoke out, relief in his voice.

"Then why hasn't she woken up?" Luca asked angrily, glaring at the doctor.

"She has a lump on the back of her head, must be when they knocked her out and a few bruises on her side, which will fade over time, other than that, there is no underlying injuries that I can find." The Doc explained, "With the attack and the forced shift, she is going to be out for a while. I suggest that we monitor her situation and allow her body to heal naturally."

"You better be fucking sure...!" Luca threatened, grabbing the doctor by his neck, lifting him up, gazing into his face, "Or else you are a dead man if she doesn't wake up."

"Son..." His father spoke, a warning in his voice, as he placed his hand on Luca's arm, "Let the doctor do his job."

Luca gave the doctor a threatening look, then huffing in anger, let go of his neck. Turning abruptly and making his way to his mate's side, sitting on the bed, scooping her into his arms and inhaling her sweet scent to calm himself.

"We will check on both of you, now and then." Theo spoke, gazing down at the pair, "Don't worry about the kids, we will make sure that they are well looked after and safe." He assured his son.

Luca nodded, watching as everyone began to leave the room, "Dad..." He called out, "Nobody touch Simone, she is mine...she has a lot to answer for."

Theo agreed with his son, closing the door behind him, leaving Luca with his mate, praying that she woke up soon, so that things could go back to normal and this whole mess put behind them.

For hours Luca held his mate, gently stroking her body, waiting for her to open her eyes, until finally she stirred, her eyes opening slowly, relief coursing through him as she smiled tiredly up at him.

Jade shifted slightly, wanting to stretch, only to groan in pain, "Feels like I have been hit by a freight train..." She muttered out grumpily.

"Actually more than one..." Luca helpfully supplied, his hands continuing to stroke her body, trying to soothe the pain away.

Sighing, she lay her head back down on his chest, "I am not even going to try and comprehend you at this moment..." She mumbled.

"You don't remember...?" Luca asked, worry laced in his voice.

Lifting her head, her face scrunching up in concentration, going over the events of what she last remembered, "The pain, the shift, being in wolf form, feeling of freedom..." She relayed one by one, until her eyes widened, reality setting in, "Being hit...then blackness."

"So you remember that you were attacked!" He elaborated, getting straight to the point.

Shock on her face, "What...Why...Who...How...?" She stuttered out, her voice wavering, as she tried to compute everything swirling around in her mind, her head hurting.

Placing a kiss on her temple, "The what and who, was Simone and her cronies. The how, was when they took advantage of your vulnerability and the why, is what I am going to find out." He stated firmly, a frown on his face.

Laying her head back down, "I am not going to even ask at the moment on what you are planning to do." She spoke tiredly out, her head too tired to think much on the subject, "Are the kids okay?" She quietly asked, concern for their little ones coming to the forefront of her mind.

"Yes, my parents are watching over them." He replied, his fingers lightly stroking her head.

"Good..." She mumbled, closing her eyes and sighing deeply, letting sleep consume her.

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