Mission: troll takedown, amateur edition

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Harriet and Hermione peered around the statue.

It was a horrible sight. A humongous creature with a tiny head, sickly gray skin and long thich limbs. The worst part was it's watery yellow eyes and the huge wooden club it was dragging behind it. Harriet and Hermione reached to hold each others hands. Of all the things, they were not prepared for this.

The troll stopped next to a doorway and peered inside. It waggled its ears, making up its tiny mind, then slouched slowly into the room.

They edged toward the open door, mouths dry, praying the troll wasn't about to come out of it. With one great leap, Hermione managed to grab the key, slam the door, and lock it.

"Nice!" Harriet cheered.

"Let's go get a teacher." Hermione said.

"Good idea!"

Victorious, they started to run back up the passage, but as they reached the corner they heard something that made their hearts stop and their blood turn to ice.

A high, petrified scream. It was coming from the chamber they'd just locked.

"Oh hell!" Harriet cursed, realizing what was up.

"It's the girls' bathroom!" Hermione gasped.

Wheeling around, they sprinted back to the door and fumbling in their panic, tried to turn the key.

"Hurry up!" Hermione hissed at her, panicking.

"Fine!" Harriet snapped. She whipped out her wand. "Bombarda!"

 The door flew off its hinges and they ran inside. It was the last thing they wanted to do, but what choice did they have?

Pansy was shrinking against the wall opposite, looking as if she was about to faint. The troll was advancing on her, knocking the sinks off the walls as it went.

"Confuse it!" Harriet said desperately to Hermione, and, seizing a tap, she threw it as hard as she could against the wall.

The troll stopped a few feet from Pansy. It lumbered around, blinking stupidly, to see what had made the noise. It saw Harriet. It hesitated, then made for her instead, lifting its club as it went.

"Aw, come on!" Harriet groaned and ran sideways away from the troll.

"Hey, stupid!" Hermione called from the other side of the bathroom. She threw a piece of pipe at it. The troll didn't even seem to notice the pipe hitting its shoulder, but it heard the yell and paused again, turning its sights on Hermione instead

"Come on, run, run! Goddammit, move you idiot!" Harriet shouted, yanking at Pansy, trying to pull her toward the door. Unsuccessfully. Pansy was frozen.

The shouting and the echoes seemed to be driving the troll berserk. It roared again and started toward Pansy, and now Harriet aswell, who were nearest and had no way to escape.

"Crap!" Harriet yelled and pulled out her wand preparing to cast the blasting charm again. It was a neat little spell she had learned from Marietta. She had been taught with Seamus Finnegan. An irish Gryffindor with a talent for blowing things up.

Hermione pulled her wand out too. "Petrificus totals!" She cried, while Harriet screamed, "Bombarda!" The two spells hit the troll. It went crashing into the nearby sinks.

"We did it!" Hermione cheered.

"We're alive!" Harriet whooped.

"Thank Merlin that's over." Pansy whispered, sinking to the floor.

A sudden slamming and loud footsteps made the three of them look up. They hadn't realized what a racket they had been making, but of course, someone downstairs must have heard the crashes and the troll's roars. 

A moment later, Professor McGonagall had come bursting into the room, closely followed by Snape, with Quirrell bringing up the rear. Quirrell took one look at the troll, let out a faint whimper, and sat quickly down on a toilet, clutching his heart.

"No offence, Sirs," Harriet said, "but this is a girls bathroom."

McGonagall gave her a sharp look.


Snape bent over the troll. Professor McGonagall was looking at Hermione and Harriet. Harriet had never seen her look so angry. Her lips were white. Hopes of getting away with it dissapeared. She almost wished the troll had killed her.

"What on earth were you thinking of?" said Professor McGonagall, with cold fury in her voice. Harriet looked at Draco who looked just as desperate for a way out as she was. "You're lucky you weren't killed. Why aren't you in your dormitory?"

Snape gave Harriet a swift, piercing look. Harriet looked at the floor. She shoved her wand back into her pocket.

Then a small voice came out of the shadows.

"Please, Professor McGonagall - they were looking for me."

"Miss Parkinson!"

Pansy had managed to get to her feet at last.

"I didn't know about the troll. I was crying because of something someone said. They came to warn me. The couldn'theve gotten anyone because the troll was already here. If it wasn't for them I - I probably wouldn't - wouldn't be here."

Professor McGonagall stared them down.

Pansy hung her head. Harriet inspected her shoelaces. Hermione seemed fascinated with the ruined sinks.

"Well, I still say you were lucky," McGonagall said at last, "but not many first years could have taken on a full-grown mountain troll. You each win your houses five points for sheer dumb luck. Professor Dumbledore will be informed of this. You may go."

They hurried out of the chamber and didn't speak at all until they were back in their common rooms. It was a relief to be away from the smell of the troll, quite apart from anything else.

"Where did you learn that spell?" Pansy asked Harriet. 

"A friend."

"Nice, how was the food at the feast?"

Back to the food subject...
Anyway, in case anyone was wondering about the irregular updates, I have so many exams coming up.

Anyone else go to a womens march on Sunday?

Thanks for reading.
XOXO Drachma.

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