38. Facing the Real Threat

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Hermione threw her head back in a fit of laughter when she saw Draco's face. The Healer had left almost immediately, and Draco sat, on the edge of his bed, gripping the sheets tightly. His pale skin was now stark white, and his eyes were wide with fear. Hermione knew Harry would have a few choice words for Draco after everything that had happened, but she had never, ever seen him look terrified like this.

She wiped a small tear from her eye and giggled, "Don't tell me you, Draco Malfoy, are afraid of Harry Potter?" Her light teasing seemed to thaw Draco out and his stiff figure slowly softened. Running a hand anxiously through his messy hair he sighed, smiling slightly, "Love, I broke your heart, again. Of course, I'm scared of Potter. He's going to kill me." He shot Hermione a cheeky smile as she sat, cross legged on his bed, looking slightly dishevelled but so beautiful with the sun streaming across her face.

Getting up slowly he rubbed his face and straightened his shirt. Hermione smiled sweetly at him which only made the angst and fear he felt bubble closer to the surface. With a small sigh he held out his hand to help her out of his bed and she took it, jumping up gracefully and wrapping her arms around his neck. She stood on her tip toes and buried her face into the crook of his neck, and he held her close, breathing in deeply the sweet smell of her hair.

She then leaned back slightly to look at him and said softly, "As much as I don't want to, I should leave you two to talk." He held her around her waist tighter and frowned, "Do you have to?" He groaned. She laughed and his skin prickled at the sweet sound of it. "You know I have to Draco."

He sighed again, heavier this time and nodded. With a cheeky smile she stood up on her tip toes again and gave him a short but reassuring kiss, he savoured her warmth for just a moment before she craned her neck to whisper in his ear, "I'll see you very soon Mr. Malfoy." And with that, she kissed him one last time on the cheek and skipped out the door, leaving him breathless and swearing under his breath at Hermione Granger.

Before his thoughts could get the better of him, he heard a polite knock at the door and the nerves washed back over his body like a tidal wave. Draco knew what was about to happen. He had promised Harry that he wouldn't hurt Hermione again; that was the condition for getting Harry's help to win her back in the first place. But, just like everything good that had ever happened to him, he had, somehow, managed to let it crumble down around him

As he cleared his throat and smoothed down the front of his shirt one more time, he thanked his lucky stars for Hermione Granger. How sweet and kind and forgiving she was; more than he would ever deserve.

Draco took in one final breath, hoping to Merlin it wouldn't be his last, and called out "come in".


"Come in." Harry frowned at the nerves he could hear in Draco's voice; he didn't understand why he would sound so anxious to see him.

He opened the door slowly and walked inside and was immediately bombarded by a dishevelled Draco.

"Harry! You have to listen to me," Draco walked forward purposefully and grabbed Harry by the shoulders, his eyes wide with insanity, "I shouldn't have reacted the way that I did. It was idiotic, it was-"


"I was stupid. I hurt her so badly. Again." Draco was now pacing the small room and pulling at the sleeves of his long shirt in agitation. "I didn't mean to though, Harry, you have to understand."

Harry stepped forward and tried to interrupt Draco's rant again, "Draco, I do."

"No, No Harry, Listen. Weas- Ron was there and I just saw-"

"Malfoy will you just shut your mouth for two minutes and listen to me?"

Draco stopped dead in his tracks, his mouth hanging open with the rest of his speech still playing on his lips. Harry stepped forward and smirked, trying to lighten the mood and show Draco that he wasn't here to argue. "Draco, I know what happened."

"You do?"

"Yeah I do. How hard did you hit your head? Of course I was the first person Mione came to when it happened." Harry studied Draco for a moment, watching as he tried to process Harry's words. Harry seized the silence and continued, "Mione told me it was all Ron. She told me what happened. You were an absolute git for not hearing her out first, but I know that, aside for that, you didn't do anything wrong."

Draco stared at Harry for a moment, before hesitantly sitting down on the bed. "Oh, so you don't want to curse me into the next country?"

Harry stood in front of Draco and chuckled "I mean, for your existence, yeah. But for what happened between you and Mione? No, not at all."

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