26. One last time (M)

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It was a weird morning. Hoseok had stayed the night, something about giving Yoongi his time alone, and Taehyung accepted gladly. Over the night he sheepishly updated on all their little endeavors, his feelings, the reason for suddenly cutting it off with Laurie leaving hoseok overwhelmed with all the new information he was bombarded with from every direction in one night.

Jungkook on the other hand was petrified. Everything that happened with Jimin and Yoongi kept playing in his head like a theater play, only the lead characters now replaced by taehyung and himself. But jungkook has a habit of doing something that taehyung doesn't. He talks. He pries into the menance to either solve it or end it for good. But he talks.

So as soon as he heard the door shut signifying hosoek had left, called the other over. This could end in good, bad, or just... End.

"Tae! Can I talk to you?"

"Sure. What's up."

He gestured taehyung to come into his room.

"Ew! You dropped ramen on my hanky!! Koo! We need a horror day! "

"Just drop it on the floor and sit here." Taehyung dropped the once white but now orange-ish hanky on the floor then moved near the bed sweeping it off dirt once and twice before sitting down simultaneously taking out a sanitizer from his pocket. How does he carry one all the damn time is beyond Jungkook.

"You were sayin'?"

"Umm.. Yeah.. So. Y'know how we tend to do what we do?"

"What do we do?"

"Tae" Jungkook warned and tae took this as his queue to stop messing around.

"Sorry. So you're trying to talk about the doo-doo we do that we talk about forgetting but actually none of us do?"

"Y-yes that." jungkook looked up from his lap expecting an angry glare on him but was surprised when it wasn't there. Just a soft expression as if he was looking forward to Jungkook saying something of this sort. Sometimes he couldn't help but hate how well they know each other.

"So... Yoongi and Jimin scared you?"

"More than anything."

"Me too." Taehyung sighed leaning against the headboard and rested his head on jungkook's shoulder.

"Wait. Really? " Okay maybe they don't know each other that well because jungkook is definitely surprised.

"More than anything."

"I don't really give two shits about us continuing this- this that we do until i can have you in my life and I'm petrified to turn out like those two. If i ever see you looking at me the way they looked at each other, I'd be needing a CPR. Y-you know what I'm sayin'? What do you suggest we do about it."

"At this point, Koo, i don't know anything. Honestly, this is the most my heart has felt in years and it's kinda overbearing. So I'll do whatever you think is right for us. No questions, no demands."

"We have to stop."

"I figured you'd say that." Taehyung sighed adjusting more on the other's shoulder.

"Are you mad?"

Taehyung shook his head. "Just sad. It was good while it lasted."

"It was amazing." Jungkook chuckled humorlessly

"It was great."

"One of my bests."

"My only best." Taehyung said looking into the others eyes. But caught jungkook head already turned towards him, eyes were clearly directed on his lips.

Oblivious And In Denial (taekook/ kookv) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now