15 June, 1973 - The Slug Club

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Lavinia's second year went by in a blur. The only particularly interesting thing that happened was the addition of Regulus Black to Lavinia's group of friends, something Rhea was simply delighted by, so much so, in fact, that she was willing to overlook the lack of improvement in Lavinia's Herbology grades.

Regulus was an odd creature, in Lavinia's opinion. He was nice enough, but didn't seem to have a clue the kind of power he held as the de facto heir to the Black family. Though Sirius had yet to be officially disowned, everyone knew it was only a matter of time. That Walburga didn't allow him to come to parties - not that Lavinia thought Sirius particularly wanted to - said a great deal about what she thought of her eldest son.

In some ways, it was very good that Regulus was oblivious. It made him easier to handle and he blended in with their friend group almost seamlessly, bowing without question to Lavinia's standing as the group's leader. If she was honest, the only thing Lavinia didn't appreciate about Regulus, was his utter uselessness when it came to their inevitable squabbles with the Marauders. Regulus had a tendency to cower at the back of the group while the rest pitched in insulting his brother.

The other good news, which Rhea was again overjoyed with, was Lavinia's invitation to Slughorn's compartment on the train home for the summer. She sat, rather squished, in a compartment full of second, third and fourth year students Slughorn informed them were of particular interest to them.

Lavinia didn't recognize many of the faces, but Emma Vanity sat next to her, having caught Slughorn's eye with her Quidditch skills. He'd already promised to put her in touch with various famous players he'd known over the years, and Emma was absolutely gushing with gratitude. Lavinia struggled to keep the contempt off her face as Emma made a fool of herself thanking Slughorn again and again.

Severus was also there, and no one had to think hard for a reason why. As the top student in Slughorn's own subject two years in a row, Lavinia had expected him to be there. Sitting next to Severus was a redhead Lavinia had seen a couple of times before. She was a Gryffindor who hung out with Severus fairly often, but beyond that, she was a stranger to Lavinia.

Everyone else was a stranger to Lavinia, though she made an effort to remember their names as Slughorn turned to each individually and interviewed them, or in some cases, boasted about why they were there.

There was a Ravenclaw third year named Wendy Slinkhard, whose older brother was apparently a prized member of the Slug Club. Another Ravenclaw, this one in Lavinia's own year, whose first name Lavinia completely missed, who apparently was good at photography.

There were two Hufflepuffs, both of whom apparently had famous parents who had also been members of the Slug Club in their day. Slughorn didn't seem particularly impressed with one, who made the mistake of admitting he wasn't close with his famous grandfather.

And two Gryffindors, the redhead, and a third year boy named Frank Longbottom. Lavinia didn't listen to most of why Slughorn invited him - she didn't need to. The Longbottoms were a well respected pureblood family, and part of the Sacred Twenty Eight. Like so many pureblood families, the Longbottoms had connections with almost every other family, including Lavinia's own, though that connection was distant.

When Slughorn finished talking to Longbottom about "the proud legacy of his family" - Lavinia rolled her eyes slightly - he turned to talk to the redhead.

"Miss Evans," he greeted her jovially. The girl smiled brightly at the professor. "Where to begin with you," Slughorn continued, in his usual, somewhat over dramatic fashion. "Brilliant, of course, and so charming," he added with a wink. The girl - Evans - laughed slightly and Slughorn smiled indulgently. "But what of your family?" he asked her. "I mean surely with all that talent, I'd have heard of some of your family?" He trailed off expectantly.

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