Aka Manto

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Origin of Aka Manto
This urban legend has gone back all the way into japan starting as a schoolyard rumor becoming more known and popular around the world. The legend starts with this ghostly man wearing a sleeveless kimono and hiding his face with a mask, he's known as haunting the female bathroom. When one of his victims is using the restroom, he will then ask them "Red or blue paper?" if they said blue, they would be strangled to the point where all of their blood is drained from their body, and if they picked red, their body would be drenched in their own blood.

History of Aka Manto
This Urban legend dates all the way back to the 1930s, where 'manto' meant sleeveless kimono type jacket, but now in modern times it means cape or cloak, this gives new generations different visions of how this character would normally look.

The real story of the urban legend Aka Manto
The story I'm showing of Aka Manto had started in the 1930s, but there are many more versions, and he has gone from wearing a short red, sleeveless kimono jacket to a red cape/cloak due to slight changes in the Japanese lexicon over the few years. Lots of stories have influenced the creation of Aka Manto, one of them being the story of Kainade, another one of the toilet dwelling monsters. Kainade haunts old bathrooms, and will only show up on February 3rd, the Setsubun festival in Japan, the tradition is started by someone squatting over a traditional Japanese toilet, soon then you will feel hands on your bottom and the only way to make him go away is asking 'white paper or red paper?'. Another version of Aka Manto has him going around kidnapping and murdering people. The story goes on as that a man is wearing a red blanket and he visits a small shop late at night, he starts explaining how he is a servant from the main house and his master is very sick, he convinces the father to follow him then goes back for the mother a few hours later, and a third time for the kids, but the neighbors insist they sleep, he grudgingly leaves. The next day the couple is found dead, and the red-cloaked man was never found or seen again

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