Beach Day!

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This is for Queen0fBrooklyn hope you enjoy! Also, (this IS important to the story) Race has severe thalassophobia after almost drowning once, and Les didn't want Race to feel lonely.

Race POV
"Oh it's on bi-"
I was cut off with Dave, nose in a book using his mom voice to say "Antonio Higgins, keep it to a Les level!"
Davey looked up at me from his book, Sense and Sensibility.
"Come on Race, he's no fun." Les yelled, running down the beach.
I look at the water and see everyone else, splashing in the waves and having fun. I stop for a second, wishing I could do the same.
"COME ON! I FOUND SOME WOOD!" I heard a voice farther down the beach yell.
I - for a lack of better terms - raced toward the pile of wood. I picked up two pieces and threw one to him. "Wanna play pirates?" I asked Les, who nodded his head. We ran towards the ocean.

"Hush up! We don't want them to play with us! They'll ruin it!" I whispered.

I ran back up to where Davey was sitting and grabbed a bucket.

"What are we gonna do with that?" Les asked asked, a smile taking over his face.

I looked him straight in the eye, and told him the plan.

Time skip brought to you by Davey's sanity


I ran up to Davey "crying". He looked up from his book and his eyes widened. Race and I spent 20 minutes in the bathroom making it look like I got hurt. "Davey, I fell playing." I said, pouting.

"Come here, Les. Lets get you cleaned up." I nodded at Race and he took the bucket of water that we filled up and dumped it over my brothers head.

"What the f-" Davey started

Laughing, Race and I screamed "KEEP IT TO A LES LEVEL!"


Davey POV

I look up from my book to see Les walking up to me, all bruised.

"Davey, I fell playing." he said, pouting, his eyes watering.

I started to walk towards the bag that I packed. "Come here, Les. Let's get you cleaned up."

I see Les nod and then I feel water going down my back.

What the f-"

My brother looked at his fellow culprit and then turned his focus back to me. "KEEP IT TO A LES LEVEL!" I hear Les and Race scream
A wonderful day.
Hope you enjoyed Queen0fBrooklyn and everyone else that actually reads my trash. Love you guys❤️

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