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Giorno was taking a pleseant walk through the streets late at night. He often spent time walking through the towns hidden streets and alleys during the dark. He of course, had no fear of being hurt or kidnapped as he could easily overpower any human.
He hadn't fed in quite some time and was starting to feel the horrible withdrawal symptoms of plague. he would much rather die a horrible death than suffer through a plague again.

Giorno was excellent at baiting people into his jaws, his beauty appealed to both women and men. Granted most men thought he was woman when in appropriate attire.
He often exploited this to his benefit, luring them to the darkest corners of town to only devour. He still felt distaste for having to take life to survive, however he was getting used to it.

Leaning against the alley corner he spotted his prey. Giorno, much like his father, never missed his prey. He gazed at the male who was standing on the street across from him. He looked intoxicated.
Giorno gently waved over to the man, making sure to act as delicate as possible.
The man smirked and crossed to greet Girono. He stunk of beer.
"What's a sweetie like you doing out so late?"
He purred disgustingly in Giornos ear. Stroking Giornos arm.
"Ah, I'm rather lost. Could you help me?"
Giorno spoke gently, pulling strands of his hair behind his ear. His unstyled hair freely promoted his feminine lie. He looked into the mans eyes with half lidded eyes.
"Oh I can help you no problem. Where you going to baby?"
The man spoke with alternate motive, Giorno smiled at the man. He had him in his grip.
"Oh why thank you, can you show me the way to the closest hotel?"
Giorno fluttered his long eyelashes, fidgeting with his fingers as he spoke.
The man spoke some more, however Giornos primal excitement was far too immense for him to notice or care. He simply began to follow him once he walked away from the lit streets.

Just as Giorno had expected, he was led into an extremely dark, dead-end alley. The man had intended to assault Girono, he wasn't destined to leave this alley however. How unfortunate that a disgusting man like this would have to die.

Giorno moved strategically, ensuring that no matter how he moved the attacker always felt in power.
Giorno wanted him to make the first move of assault. It was no fun when they didn't put up a fight. This man was a frequent attendee of the local pub and didn't seem to have much friends or family. He was rather hated by the community, Giorno couldn't have gotten better luck. He almost couldn't contain his joy.

"You're pretty naive, girl"
"Oh? Why's that? Is the hotel near by?"
Giorno made sure to force his accent, he wanted to sound like an easy target.
The man grabbed giorno by his throat, pressing him against the cold brick wall. He got close to his face, his breath was disgusting.
"Didn't your mother tell you not to follow strangers?"

Giorno stared into the man's eyes, trying his best to convey a scared expression. He grabbed the man's wrist but didn't pull.
"It's my lucky night tonight, huh"
The man sneered into Giornos face, spitting on him in the process. His Italian was slurred and almost difficult to understand.
Giorno was starting to get frustrated with this man, he was so grossly prideful Giorno couldn't wait to see his eyes as he tore into his skin.
"Not gonna say anything? Hm"
The man buried his face deep into Giornos neck, his disgusting tongue dragging across his precious skin. It made giorno cringe hard, he wasn't sure how much longer he could keep up his façade.
The sharp shock of feeling teeth in his neck forced Giorno to grab the man by the throat, tearing him away from his own throat.
Instinct ensured the safety of his throat.

The man gasped for air as he tore at Giornos hands and face in a pathetic attempt to save his own life.
Giorno used his other hand to wipe the slobber from his skin, it made his stomach turn.
He looked to the man who had begun to cry, tears and snot running down his face and neck onto Giornos hand.
It was pathetic, so much so it made Giorno want to laugh in his face.
However he decided against it.

"I would say I'm sorry for what I'm about to do. However knowing you'd assault me in this alley for your own disgusting desires influences me to make sure you suffer"
Giorno was thoroughly disgusted by this man, and almost didnt want to eat him. Obviously he has to dispose of him now.
Crows were already watching him, to let prey go would be akin to shooting a gun in a goverment building.

Giorno scrunched up his nose, not pleased with his choice of meal in the slightest. However life must go on, and he must devour.

Giorno wasted no time in biting down as hard as he could onto the mans throat, going directly for the jugular. Upon tearing open the supple skin and artery warm, metallic blood pulsed quickly into Giornos mouth. He was pleasantly surprised with the taste.

He paid no mind to the gurgled gasps of the man as he slowly succumbed to death.
Pulling away momentarily blood spurted onto his face, making him flinch. How much blood does this man have?
He decided to go for a more violent technique.
Burying his fangs deep into the side of the man's throat he began to pull away, his teeth still in his skin.
Tearing the skin away from the muscle, if the man could scream Giorno was sure he would be.
Blood spurted everywhere, over both men.
With one last swift pull Giorno tore the remaining skin from the man's throat, leaving exposed muscle and veins to the air as warm blood pulsed from the now tremendous wound.

Giorno looked at the man's face, he was barely alive. Gasping and choking on his own blood.
Giorno began to devour the man, wasting no time in it.
The soft muscle melting underneath his tongue as he viciously ate the man.

Vore 😳

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