Chap. 56 (Tomb Raider)

884 45 37

I am guessing it's from below then...

I lift my leg up and smash the ground, it created some sort of constant shockwave that's breaks everything below apart.

Soon, I can soon see an orange sandstone brick.

I punch it and it immediately deflects my punch away.

There's some sort of barrier...

This time, I channel mana into my fist and punch it again, the barrier did reflect some of the impacts away but it was too strong, breaking the barrier and the brick.

I jump in and land on a dusty floor, it's been abandoned for a long time...

I snap and channel all the mana into every torch that this place has to offer. It lights up and I can see everything clearly know.

It's wide, about 10 feet apart and this is only the corridor. The ceiling is unbelievably high too, it's roughly as high as an average three stories building.

Other then that, there's nothing else here. Only orange sandstone bricks and tiles with torches hung on the wall and above the ceiling.

I sigh and walk till a door shows up. I open it and it revealed a huge statue in the middle of the room with pillars surrounding it.

The statue is sitting down, holding a sword.



I can't believe I get to see it again in this life! The soul-devouring sword! My partner from my last life! But how did it end up here...


The sword never rusts or decay so it's as durable as when it was made.

I force the sword out of the statue's hand.

Soon the entire infrastructure starts to rumble...

what is it now?...oh my goodness.

The floor below me collapse and I fell through.


There's no mana in this hole! I can't fly out, shit!!

In the end, I can only brace myself for impact.


I fell hard into the ground but I'm still this body is really durable

I look around, there are skeletons and corpse. Looks like I'm not the first one to fall down here huh...

And the mana in here is dense, very dense and...weird. It doesn't listen to me at all, I cannot control it despite being an Okirei.

To be exact, the mana in here is...trembling. It's panicking all over the place, is something so scary down here that even mana...

The area above me covers itself and my only option is to continue forward. This is a fucking trap...

There's only one path, I really have to brace myself now.

I squeeze through the small gap in the hole and a spacious circular room appears. It's so big I can barely see the end, I completely cannot see the ceiling of this thing. The torches don't do shit too, it's too big and dark. I can say with confidence the radius of this fucking place is about 100 feet.

Suddenly, I can hear sounds around me and I look down. Dark, black, foggy hands emerge from the ground.

Wait this is...

The black figures dug itself out of the ground and look at me.
Once it does, it attacks me but with just one punch, the figure disperses and disappears.

But the only problem is...

This dark foggy figures which look like humans are spawning everywhere in this huge room...shit... I can only rely on brute strength and the sword now. The mana in this room doesn't listen!!!

What the fuck are these...the only thing I can think of...are zombies.

This sword...i need to make full use of it now.

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